A little bit of luck if you pleasems............

1 minute read time.

I spent 10days in Belfast which was spent relaxing with my wonderful fiance....... We went to the zoo, to Stormont, visited the Giants Causeway, drove down the A2 to Glenariff waterfalls (stunning by the way). And slept lots!

I came back and found mum had a virus which had wiped her out for about 5 days she's kinda back on her feet now but only just.

I went to the Dr before I went away and I know I mentioned in a few of my blogs lately i'm just exhausted all the time, me thinking it had to do with emotions and caring for mum I brushed it under the carpet and just got on with it. There was a new Dr at the surgery and I saw her simply because I hadn't been sleeping well either. She checked my history and asked if I had had a call reguarding a blood test for my thyroid results in May (i've been underactive ever since 2002 after some radio-iodine treatment) I said no.......... Well she looked at me astonished and her words exactly were "I dont quite know how your sitting there" Apparently my TSH levels were over 100 and un-readable! The long and the short of it is I'm currently in multi-organ failure, am having to up my thyroxine to 250mgs it will take a while to settle in and even longer to repair everything so I have to take it easy............................... You know my life there's fat chance of that. So medically I should be in a coma if not dead, realistically I have no choice I have to carry on....

Mum has not been back to her respitory consultant yet we go back on the 17th November, she been very down as well because we lost one of her dads sisters recently. :-( So any luck thats going spare could really do with it, cheers.

Keep smiling

Tiggs xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'll hunt around in corners, under carpets, down the back of the sofa and in the pockets of unworn clothes, and any luck I can scrape up I'll send your way.


  • FormerMember

     Bloody hell my little niece... TAKE IT EASY!!!!!! Please.

    You will be no good to your mum otherwise in the long term....

    Go and rest this instant or Auntie My will be round with her baseball bat to make sure. You were suggesting tucking me up with your mum in bed.. I suggest you tuck up with her eh????

    I will send you some luck too cos I think you deserve a bit.... and mine is currently on the up so I can spare a bit for my tiggs niece.

    The biggest hug to you and take care, Tiggs. and a hug for your mum too xxx

    Little My xxx

    ps the holiday sounded lovely!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tiggs,

    Did You try a pint of Gunniess? I thought you would have brought some of the luck of the Irish when you came home. Hope things start to improve for you and your Mum.xx  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh my goodness Tiggs!

    Not quite sure how you kept going and a lovely break in Belfast! Did you have a Belfast fry up for brekkie?

    Please please take it easy. I have planted some heather in the garden this week and I am hoping it is lucky heather for you.

    Jackie is right, a pint of stout will do you good!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    oh Tiggs !!

    Try very hard to take it a bit easier, I know , easier said than done....so Im sending you some strength and energy ..(and truly wish it worked) and a big hug tooxx
