Step 1

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Ok here I am reaching out into the unknown. Step 1 In January 2014, I lost my fantastic mum, my rock, my best friend and the one person in the world in who's eyes I am perfect! Breast cancer and all it's nasty secondaries have stolen her from me. Mum was only 67. To me that is far too young. We all, her included, expected her to fully recover and reach the ripe old age of 90+ But that was not the case. Now I feel lost and alone. I am very fortunate to have great family and friends around me. So why do I feel so alone? I just miss her so much I want to call her up for a chat, but she's not there anymore. I want to make it better for everyone around me too, but I can't. I want this sadness to end... It is now 4 months on but I still find it so difficult. Today was a hard day, very stressful at work, over loaded emotionally. I am not sure yet what I need, what will help? I hope to work it out. Next.. Step 2?