Well on our way now!

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone, 

Well its Day 2 post transplant.  He is doing surprisingly well so far.  All the drugs were administered from last Thursday (20th October) Campath and Fluradibine and he coped well, he was pretty much his normal self.  We were able to go out and about and do stuff as they didnt make him neutropenic and his blood counts were fine as were his temperature and blood pressure.

Day of transplant was a momentous one for us but not for hospital staff.  I wish they could realise how important this is for the patient and the patients family.  We have been on this cancer journey for 3 years without respite or remission and to have these cells implanted was a BIG DEAL.  We both got a little tearful.

Anyway after 20 minutes (no more no less) the cells were out of the bag and in him.  We waited an hour afterwards to see if he would react to them but nothing so far and the obs were once again ok so they transferred us from the day unit to the 16th floor where all transplant patients go! 

I am told by professionals and other transplant patients and those with experience that he is likely to feel pretty groggy and rotten next week (day 4 or 5 post transplant) when all the drugs start to kick in.  So we wait patiently and see what that brings.

To date the only problems he is encountering is boredom despite having a radio, ipad, lap top, tv, magazines and dvds to keep him company.

Anyway, I will up date this blog when I have something to say and any developments that have occured until then, I will love you and leave you all in peace and I shall get on with the endless amount of washing and ironing I have to catch up on since I have been with him in hospital.  I have a day off today! 

Take care one and all.

Julia xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julia

    Of course it's a big deal for you both.  Sometimes though I think medical staff treat everything as 'run of the mill normal' just to try not to stress patients out.

    Glad things have gone well so far.  It always tickles me that patients are ALWAYS bored no matter how much entertainment and gadgets are on hand to try and amuse them.  They're a bit like children who complain about being bored in spite of the fact that they have a bedroom full of toys, Xboxes, Playstations, Computers, etc.

    Fingers crossed that all keeps going well.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julia,

    Glad everything has gone well so far,"Touch Wood ". Just take things day by day. Look after each other.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nin.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Sarsfield xxx