this one's for Isis

1 minute read time.

Our beautiful, witty, supportive, brave firewalking, rock chick who's comment for this blog was "Love this idea!"

Statuses pass so quickly that some of you may not have seen that Isis finally achieved her long awaited "superhero status" last Saturday (06/04/13)

Tomorrow, I will make the journey from East to West to say farewell to the Macland friend I never got to meet. I know that Isis touched so many of us on here, that's why I've opened this up for comments which I will pass onto the family. I'm sure Isis would love that too.......

For me being a 70's rock chick I cannot get the words of Cat Steven's 'Oh Very Young' out of my head - copyright probably prevents putting it on here but here's a snippet

Oh very young What will you leave us this time? You're only dancing on this earth for a short while
Will you carry the words of love with you?
Will you ride the great white bird into heaven?
And though you want to last forever You know you never will And the goodbye makes the journey harder still

Those of you who knew Isis don't need me to tell you what she has left us, however, I think she would also love the idea of others seeing what she has taken on her journey.

Goodbye my lovely you know a part of you will live with me forever, hope that dragon ride was all you could have wished for. Rest in Peace, see you soon, love always, Jules xo

  • FormerMember

    Safe Journey Isis, thanks for the inspiration of living every moment to the full and enjoying the ride...

    You kicked cancer's ass good and hard and didn't let it rule you.

    Go well...

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Isis,

    What an inspiration you have been to so many of us - a true warrior princess.

    Time to lay aside your armour,

    Rest in Peace

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Isis was a source of inspiration to all of us in the admin team - we marvelled at the support and warmth she always showed to others. 

    I can think of no better tribute than to encourage everyone to read about how she walked on fire. It's an incredible piece of writing that really sums up how she approached life.

    We'll miss you Isis x

  • I went back and re read how Isis walked on fire.An amazing lady who offered help and support to many on the site.A warrior indeed and so deserving of her super hero status.Rest in Peace you will be missed.Cruton xxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    I was privileged to attend a beautiful service and final resting place for a beautiful girl who lived, loved and laughed throughout her rollercoaster ride.

    I spoke with the family and let them know that I was there for all of us on this site who have been inspired by Isis. They really did appreciate that.

    Wasn't sure if it would be family flowers only and not wanting to offend I left our yellow roses in the car. Seeing though, that there were lots of others throwing down roses, I returned to the graveside once everyone had left for the wake and had a few moments to place each one individually telling Isis who it was from.

    I'm sure it must have been a final message from our dear Isis that the heavens opened at the graveside which made me think of one of the inspirational sayings she really liked.

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's learning to dance in the rain"

    I will weather the storm and dance on for you my sweet, save a space at that big birthday party for me. Forever etched on my soul, Jules xo