if I could have screamed..........

2 minute read time.

A week ago today saw the start of my sore throat. No worries there, I had been talking a lot in work.

Day off on Wednesday, spent quietly on my own, didn't feel up to planned gym session. Thankful that I had rescheduled my lunch date for Thursday, just couldn't pull out of that one.

Biggest effort on Thursday, an hours drive through beautiful countryside in glorious sunshine (well in my car really, but you know what I mean) OK so my Aunt and I talked alot and I began choking on my words.

Friday saw me back at work for the day although I could barely speak, was dopped on paracetamol and sucking on strepsils.

Saturday still sore, spoke to a pharamicist who gave me a spray, advised to continue with the paracetamol but ditch the strepsils as they were just like eating sweeties.  He said that should I still have symtoms today I should see my GP.

Miserable bank holiday weekend feeling sorry for myself, sending hubby off to the gym by himself (had to keep him motivated, so proud of his two stone loss to date) 

By now I have a cough and am beginning to sneeze........... ah a cold!..........but wait, sore throat and someone else's voice, best heed pharmacists advise.  Wrong!

"Your throat's a bit red but it's not tonsillitis, since you don't smoke we don't need to worry.  It's probably a virus that we can't help with, it will clear itself in three to five days.  You say it started last Tuesday, oh well you've just been unlucky".  I told her that I have always been advised by my regular GP to come straight in for an antibiotic because any throat infection I pick up always seems to attack my voice box. Did she check my records..................eh no, just proceeded to make me feel stupid.

Sorry about the rant but it's either here or a complaint letter to the surgery.  Inspite of this being my first visit to my GP surgery since returning to work, she did not enquire as to how I was or how much I was doing, but rather began to lecture that I would catch viruses if I was overdoing it and not taking care of myself...........Aggggggggggh welling up just thinking about how that made me feel.

I told her I hadn't been overdoing anything that in fact I had only worked one of the last seven days. I asked about working as it was my intention to go in straight from my appointment, she told me it was entirely up to me but it would take me longer to get better.  What's that all about, I thought GPs could advise on fitness to work?  I was however, advised to comeback at the end of the week if my throat is still sore.  If it is and I do, it certainly won't be to see her. How dare she lecture me on assumptions.

I don't smoke, only have the occasional glass of wine, eat a very healthy diet. I go to the gym, maybe a swim and walk the dog.  So I ask if what I've just been through has any bearing on my immune system, to which she replied "no it shouldn't have"   Did she enquire what I was referring to, did she heck..........

I'm seldom at the GP's but must remember to ask who I will be seeing before accepting any appointment.




  • FormerMember

    I'm with you 100%! I have been back at work four months now and have now been laid low by the lurgy - throaty, gungy sort of a thing.

    I will NOT be visiting my GP and will just get on with it like I used to, pre cancer. Watch this space though......

    Take care. XX

  • FormerMember

    just wanted to pop in and send you a big big hug.

    GPs are so variable! Some of them just have no idea and some are great. I never used to go the gp before this cancer lark so have been trying out different ones. I found a good one and I always ask for an appointment wtih him now as it is just demoralising getting something like that...

    Hope your throat clears up soon!

    Love and a big hug (and I don't care if I catch it!)

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Still not sure if this is the right place to thank folks for their support but just wanted to say a huge thank you to JuliaF and Little My for taking the time to read and respond to my rant. 

    JuliaF, Sorry to hear you're going through the same thing and hope it's not too long until you recover. Should you end up needing a visit to your GP, I sincerely hope you get better treatment than I did.

    Little My, hugs gratefully accepted and returned (promise not to breath my germs on you).  How bad would that be if you were off sick with the lurgy before you even had the chance to get back to work. Hope that goes well for you. I normally ask which GP I'm seeing and in the past have refused, don't know where my brain was yesterday.

    Hope you both have a good day, I'm just off to phone in sick again......... Take care xo


  • FormerMember

    hi yes here is fine and you don't really need to thank us anyway cos that is what we are here for, but thanks for the thanks and the hugs :)

    I will have a lovely day as i am going to meet ems (cariad9) for coffee and good natter :) oh and a scan, but that's not a scary one this time so not worried.

    Hope it clears up soon and have another hug just to be on the safe side eh?

    Little My xxx