OK it's out of the bag.

1 minute read time.

A visit to see dear Mr Almond at Hull Royal today after 4 weeks of waiting and fretting and stressing.

It's all over now, the waiting that is, it's out of the bag and somehow it's easier, up til now imagination has been in control and what a monster that can be especially in the early dark hours of the morning. So I have prostate cancer, it is in the early stages, it is confined to the prostate, bone scan is ok, apart from a certain amount of wear and tear expected for an idiot of my age, lower body scan is ok so I am in many ways extremely grateful.

Ahead all I know just now is I have ahead of me hormone therapy and radio therapy and it is at Castle Hill 25 miles away and it sounds intensive and time consuming and expensive, but I have a Macmillan support worker so I shall have to have a chat with her tomorrow.

Task in hand now is to let people know, some that are aware that I have been going through tests, and some that know nothing at all, not a time for being secretive, a time for up frontness and honesty and keeping a record which will help me and may be of use to someone else sometime.

The other little thing is I have been offered a clinical trial which I am inclined to accept if only to be of use to someone else in the future. We are both a bit like that, donating our bodies to science and all that sort of stuff, and full donor cards, fat lot of use bits of a 66 year old are likely to be to anyone.

Enough for now, could well be a busy summer, maybe the front of the house will get painted next year! More tomorrow

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ray,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it sounds as though you are relieved to know what is going on, and that it has not spread.

    I see that you've already joined our Prostate cancer group - you may want to post in there as well as blogging, as it's a really good place to find other people who're going through similar experiences.

    Telling friends and family is always difficult. You might find it helpful to have a look at the information on our website on talking about your cancer.

    It's great that you are already getting some support from Macmillan. If you have questions or need to talk, we also have a team of experts available on the free Macmillan Support Line (0808 808 0000, Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).