Its so Sad..

Less than one minute read time.

I have been good friends to lot of you awsome people since i was diognosed with kidney cancer.It has been great talking to you all and giving me your support and in return i have given mine since i was given the all clear.Sunday i was on line and was shocked at the response i got from a so called mate in the States .

All of a sudden turned on me and said i was a Fake... She had been drinking and talked a load of rubbish.. She did not make sense and i was so upset that i said to her that i would go and come back in a few days onto the site... At the moment i am wondering if it is worth it anymore... hopefully i will feel better in a few days and show my face again...........Just wanted to get this off my chest xxx Love you guys and thankyou for been there for me in 2008...xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Unfortunately, I found my own sister upset in this way.  We were both diagnosed with cancer - her diagnosis came two years before mine, and she went through the full treatment - radiotherapy, chemo, double mastectomy and hysterectomy - whereas I refused chemo - had 1 bout of rad before my mastectomy and BSO - my sister feels I had it 'easy' and now won't talk to me at all.  We can not control how other people react to us, what we can do is control how we react to them.  It is sad when people's anger is targeted towards you in this manner, but it is something they need to sort out for themselves.  Feel proud of your own success in getting through it.

  • FormerMember

    Jill - so sorry you have been put through this, I have known you ever since I joined mac community and you have helped me a lot especially in my early dark days.

    Obviously dont mention a name of this person here in public - but feel free to PM me any time.

    Please come back on chat again soon and don't let this effect you too much.


  • I remember you Jill and know you are a lovely warm genuine person and I'm so sorry some idiot upset you. As you say, she was drunk and drunk people seldom make sense. Don't let one person stop you from being with the rest of us in Macland.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember


    I am so sorry that this has happened to you.  I know who you are referring to and have had a similar experience with her.  I feel bad now that I did not report her at the time, perhaps it would have spared you this hurt.  I actually believe it was you who came to her defense on that occasion and that makes what she has now done to you all the more despicable. 

    Please don't let her chase you off.  Consider the source.  She has serious issues aside from Cancer.

    Massive Hugs


  • FormerMember


    It's always worth reporting these people to admin who can then act and if necessary block them from the site,

    Colin xxx