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Dad had been coughing up blood, and was getting pains in his chest, so i rang for paramedics, and he got admitted, that night my life changed . . . 

He was diagnosed with lung cancer, and after tests, we were told it has spread to his liver and lymph nodes, and even with chemo he has less than a year!

The one person, who has been through everything with me is slowly dying infront of me.

I dont have close family around me, so have to deal with this on my own, aswell as work, and care for my nephew who lives with my dad, its so hard being a daughter, carer and a mother all in one!

One minute im happy, the next im angry and could punch out at anything, then i start crying, ive got such mixed emotions,  i dont want my dad to leave me, and i feel selfish.

i feel i am still in denial, i dont want to believe this is real

  • FormerMember

    Hi hun I am so sorry to read what is happening to you. This site is a good place to express feelings and get support. I am sure there are many people on here who have had similar experiences and would be only too happy to help you through this dreadful time. I myself had bladder cancer and thankfully I was a lucky one, I had surgery and I am grateful to still be here. I am thinking of you and send lots of hugs your way. Stay strong hun xx

  • FormerMember
    Hello I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this. You aren't alone here. Have you spoken to anyone to find out if you can get any help? It might be worth speaking to Macmillan to see if you are entitled to any help as your Dad's carer. It would also be good for you to talk to them so you get support too.
  • FormerMember

    Hi this is my first time at responding to any of these blogs but it realy hit home with me. My dad was diognosed with lung cancer about 8 weeks ago of which he has been in hospital for 5 of those weeks. A week and a half ago he was released from the hospital with no worning to any of us, we were just told he would be home at 5pm be there. That night i was with my dad untill 3 am he was so confused and upset he did not know what to do, i called the district nurse out they were brill. From that point it has been down hill, the hospital said they sent him home to get rid of infections that he kept picking up so that he could get well to have chemo.  This seems to be a fob off to me as just in 1 week he has lost another stone in weight even tho hes eating loads, his pain has increased tenfold and he is now not himself, he forgets what he is doing how things work who we are. me and my brother are trying realy hard to help him but we are getting so tired, my brother gose in the morning when my dad calls him 5am some mornings, he then gose and dose a full 10-12 hour shift at work, i then go round to my dad, but i am disabled myself so cant do a greate deal. i stay with him till about 6 go home for an hour then go back till we can get him in bed of which 2night is 1am, he was crying because he thought i was chaseing him.  Sorry for babling on but im with you where do we turn to me and my brother cant keep this up, we both feal he should be in hospital but is this why they discharged him because they new what was to come?????? if any1 could help plz do thank you