7 months on....

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7 months on since my lovely mum died suddenly and unexpectedly (for the family anyway).  I still feel so angry with the NHS services.  My mum died on a ward within the same hospital trust that I work for. I know how things work.  I feel like she was stolen from me.  I feel like they didnt work hard enough for her. I feel like they got it wrong....I dont think they knew how aggressive her cancer was.....either that or they were too chicken to say it.  Im not sure what to do. Shall I pursue or shall I not. It wont bring her back.?

  • FormerMember

    ((hugs)) Bev

    I feel for you, I felt very angry with the ward where mum was for her last days, the treatment was awful. We knew she did not have long, but the hospital definately mosmanaged her care. I agree it wont bring your mum back, you have to do what is right for you. If you feel you need questions answered, it may be the best thing for you to seek those answers to help you.

    You are still early on in grief, and I know how much it hurts to lose your mum, so just wanted to send a hug your way and let you know I understandxx

    Thinking of you, sharonn

  • FormerMember

    hi sorry to  hear about your mum. i recently went through the same thing with me losing my mum five weeks ago, which all happenen very quick from her being diagnoised, and i to feel i was robbed of my mum, as have many questions about the treatment that she recieved from the

    hopital, during her lack of treatment or their honesty to us about her condition. I feel that they just left her in their, just waiting for her to deteriate, without telling us the truth, where i could have done all the things that me and my mum wanted to do and take her home.

    until they decided to open her head up, when they knew that there was no hope, with me to bring her out of there die. I cant get over the treatment that she recieved from them, makes me distrust doctors in a big way, as they kept fobing us off with other things, when i think they knew how long she really had left, and just allowed my mum to sit in hospital to get stressed out, that even my mum become to distrust them and she was so right.

    so i think we are entiled to have are concerns answered,i have tried in some ways, i just feel thay all cover one another up. But i could never forgive them for how my mum was treated.

    good luck X

  • FormerMember

    10 days ago my partner of 11yrs Mo was diagnosed wit an inoperable,incurable cancer of the brain.Several months earlier her she was in and out of hospital having test after test being done trying to find out what was wrong. She was having dizzy spells,trouble walking,urinary incontinence collapsed three times while we were out down the town resulting in 999 calls & further admission in hospital. All the doctors and specialists thought she had an inner ear infection/problem she was discharged and medicated.At no time when she was in the hospital was a C.T scan done to check out if her brain was causing the problems,three chances passed by where the cancer could of been detected earlier.I was so angry with the hospital I needed someone to blame! I spoke to the oncologist at Hurstwood park where Mo was diagnosed & she said it wouldnt of made a lot of difference if Mo had been diagnosed earlier as the cancer had been dormant for a long while because it had calcified. Still not convinced but at least my anger abated...a little. Luckily Mo's still with me for a while at least, shes my focal point now xxx

  • FormerMember

    Unfortunately these stories are becoming more and more common. I'm not suprised the NHS gets a bad press these days. I had  a similar story with my dad who passed away last year only 8 weeks after diagnosis. I stayed overnight with him in hospital and if I wasn't there my sister would stay.

    I have to say I dread to think how dad would have been treated if we weren't there to fight his corner. We had to ask repeatedly for pain relief and go back and ask where it was on countless occasions. The standard excuse was that it needed two to oversee it, which I know to be the case, but every time it was required someone would be on their tea break and he had to wait in agony.

    I am quite bitter and wish I had spoken up more. I know making a complaint won't bring your mum back, but it might stop someone else being treated in the same manner in future, although, somehow I doubt it.

    Best wishes to all, Christine xx