Reflecting on the Last 12 Months

2 minute read time.

This time last year I was busy supporting my long-time friend who had lost her husband suddenly and unexpectedly on the morning of her youngest daughter's 13th birthday. I remember holding her in my arms on Christmas Eve as she sobbed, asking me how she was going to make it through. I of course had no answers just the sure and certain knowledge that I was going to be there for her every step of the way, with no idea of what 2010 had in store for myself.

Less than a week later I was at the Doctors myself, not unduly concerned, just being cautious. Two weeks later I was attending the Breast Clinic on a wekly basis for biopsy after biopsy until I finally received my diagnosis of breast cancer in March. I was heartbroken to give my friend the news on top her own ongoing struggle but as true friends are, she was there for me and my family, taking my daughter Izzy out when others forgot that she was going through it too.  I have now completed a tough regime of treatment - surgery, chemo, rt, herceptin is ongoing but we can all now see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have recently returned to work.

Today I read on my FB page that my friend had decided she couldn't face sending cards this year and had instead made a donation to the Wakefield Oncology Unit in Memory of her hubby, also the same place I have received most of my treatment and I thought what a wonderful idea.

So imagine my surprise when she arrived at my house this evening, for us all to exchange gifts, but also gave me a card with strict instructions not to open it until she'd left. Well I was glad I heeded her wishes or we would have both been blubbering wrecks! Suffice to say there wasn't a word she had wrote to me that I couldn't direct right back to her and I am as proud to call her my friend as she is me.

So at the end of a very long year we can both say we still have each other and are glad it will always be that way. In times of loss, crisis, ill-health we find out the ones we can truly depend on and they are not always the ones we think they will be. I can also say that for every friend I have 'lost' this year I feel I have found ten more not least the wonderful people I have met on this site, you all know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help in getting through this difficult year. Of course I will never be glad I had cancer but in my  'cloud silver-lining attitude' I would never have met so many inspirational people without it.

So in the light of all friends in different circumstances I am wishing everyone a 'Peaceful' Christmas and a better 2011

  • FormerMember

    The same back to you and your friend.

    May 2011 been a far better year for you both.

    I know how you both feel as I have been in both places.

    Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    My lovely Maxine

    You bring a tear to my eye with this mate. how wonderful that you had such a special gift from such a special friend, that is lovely. xx

    Here I wish you a very happy christmas, and a wonderful 2011, with all the promise that a New Year brings.

    Lots of love, to all of the family, as always,

    Claire xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hay Max

    Thanks for sharing, that is a trully wonderful friend you have, they are hard to find.

    Wishing you a very happy new year.

    Love Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Dearest Max

    I can't put onto words (as I'm hopeless at them) what a support you have been to me over the last 2 months.  Your comment about the wonderful friends we find on this site couldn't be more true, always there no matter how any of us are feeling, giving support, love and hugs as well as plenty of giggles :-)

    Wishing you and the family a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year.

    Love and Hugs

    Jacqui xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Max, she sounds like a true friend.  As for friends on this site, well what can I say?  I would never have gotten through the last year without them.  Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy 2011.  Love and hugs.  Caroline XX