My gorgeous girl, light of my life

Less than one minute read time.

I have nothing to say. Anyone who knows me will know how rare this is and would urge you to savour the moment lol

Just wanted to share this picture of my beautiful daughter, perhaps I'm biased, lol.

She brightens my day, makes me so proud, and every day she makes me a better person

  • FormerMember

    Hi All

    thanks for your comments, I love the pic, one of my faves and just wanted to share it.

    Lol. Rose you know me so well

    Suzie, am with you on the richer in the purse bit, but she's so worth it!

    Wil it's lovely to share the pics with others

    Jen, snap back at you!

    John you old smoothie, thanks for compliment but am still not gonna marry you lol

    Thanks Sars, Kaj and tracey

    Bizzie,we all seem to be thankful for our kids so maybe I did have something to say afterall!

    Love and hugs to all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Twin

    She is beautiful and from what you have told me about her, she is a special person too - just like her mum xxx

    love, Twin xx

  • FormerMember

    hey max, just beautiful ,so precious jenni xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Max, fab picture! Love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hey Max

    You have every reason to be proud and biased.  It is a beautiful picture of the two of you.

    Love and hugs always

    Jacqui xxxx