A Random Blog - Just Felt The Urge To Share!

1 minute read time.

Arrived at the hospital for my routine appointment to have my Herceptin administered. As nurse was putting the cannula in I commented that I only had three more to go. On looking at my notes she said 'No Maxine, it's just 2 more'. Ithought well after the year it's been it's easy to miscalculate. The Ward Sister came in and they proceeded to ask me why I thought it was three more. I replied that I thought I was on 15 0f 18. To which she replied 'Oh no, we only do 17 when it's adjutant and there's no evidence of disease.' Even her hastily added 'That we know of...' couldn't take the shine off those words.

I know that my post op scan was clear and that chemo and RT were 'mop-up' treatments and that Herceptin was necessary but no-one has ever said clear, NED or anything like that to me throughout this process. Those words just made me grin from ear to ear all day.

I know there are no guarantees with this wretched disease and I have always been doggedly determined to have the best, be the best and do my best in honour of everyone I've met that will never have that chance but today made me feel brighter, made the future look brighter...

Just wanted to share my happy day.

Max xxx
