And what now??

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Today I finished my Breast Cancer treatment...hooray!!!.....or is it really??

I have been on this journey all year...lumpectomy..auxilliary clearance...18 weeks chemo...split with partner of 6 years....5 weeks radiotherapy...Tamoxifen...side effect is finally depression and now I am released into the world again.

I am frightened....I have not had to organise myself for the last 8 months and although I have waited for this day feel very low...I know I am one of the lucky ones to have been able to have treatment. I know that each day it will get better...'keep smiling' everyone says' your so brave' and 'you've done so well'...pity I don't feel like it....has anyone else felt like thisI wonder ??? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there I felt EXACTLY the same... really down and worried and no confidence and everyone kept saying exactly the same things to me....(different cancer, but same feeling)

    It did ease after a few weeks and starting to feel a little bit more ok now.

    It is an anticlimax really cos we are celebrating the end of something not nice, not something good happening and it has been part of your life for so so long. I read a fantastic article that really really helped me by a Dr Peter Harvey called somehting like 'after treatment and then what happens'. I can't remember the link, but look it up on google. I think they should send you home with it on your last day of treatment....

    Accept that you and your body have been through so much that you are bound to feel rubbish and abandoned etc for a while and do try and find the article. If you can't, comment back and I will find the link

    Hang on in there, it does ease after a while, but it does take time too so be kind to yourself in the meantime...

    Big hug to you

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Smiler

    I think the article Little My is referring to is on:$FILE/article3.pdf?openElement

    Highly recommended read.

    You are NOT alone there!  I'm in exactly the same place: had lumpectomy, RT, currently on tamoxifens.  The thing I found most difficult to cope with is that my nearests and dearests don't want to talk about it.  They were fine during the dark months of treatment: they heard my screams, ingnored my foul language, passed on the tissues.  But after we finished the bubbly they carried on with their lives and in theory so did I.  In practice I'm different.  VERY different.  For starters I'm lopesided.  I still cannot use smelly soap etc. due to the side effects of RT.  And these are only some of the physical changes.

    But hey!  we are still here, able to moan and looking for good excuses.  Mine is 'the change'.  Every respectable woman is entitled to her tundrums when she hits her fifties.  Thanks to tamoxifen the 'effects' are twice as many.  Yupee!  Hot flushes?  the perfect excuse for this cool silk blouse.  Weight gain?  well, you do need cloths that fit!  Spots?  new make up an absolute must!

    Think of it as a new begining: I'm still with the same husband and employer but under MY terms.  As I said, I'm different to the little menopausal woman I was turning into.  Suddenly I'm back in my teenage years, full of plans for the future.  I am currently doing things I didn't dare dream about before.  Obstacles?  What obstacles?

    You said that you haven't organise yourself for 8 months.  PERFECT!  Get yourself the absolute bestest organiser, funny stickers to stick on all its pages, make yourself a fun diary and start organising!  Wine, chocolates and music the perfect companions for such activities.  

    (My favourite sticker: a little sheep with baa-rilliant around it from Sainsbury's.  My organiser: a big note pad from said supermarket....................)

    Wishing you all the very best

    Georgia XXXXX