Wow! Where did the time go?

1 minute read time.

Well, next month means 1 year from dad's diagnosis, and what a year it's been. Who'd have thought that 1 year ago, Dad, previously healthy and hardly needing to go to the Dr's, would be diagnosed with the most vicious disease? And how ours lives have changed, hey. But, at least we are more positive now than what we were then! Since Dad's diagnosis, he (as well as the rest of the fam) has been through so much-gruelling chemo for six months, then a colon resection, and coming up (drumroll please!) a liver resection! Us, well I never thought I would have to experience huge bouts of fear, almost as if your stomach is so heavy it'll push you to the ground, and cry as much as I have, and sometimes feel guilty when you realise your having a few happy weeks-huh? All part of it I guess. Generally, things have been quite good the past few months-all of the scans have been clear, so feeling a bit of 'normality'-then last week Dad got told he needed a resection, and it seemed to throw everything up in the air again? How, I dont know-it should have been happy news, but then I realised we all must be emotionally exhausted from the last years events. However, we are all back to our normal postive mood now, thank the Lord! So, now we have to wait till Dec 19th for the first part of the resection, then have the rest done next Jan-hoping Dad will be ok for Christmas, and hoping even more that it will not be our last together-bloody disease casts such a shadow over things. I also think we have been very lucky so far with this, because I do know of people who dont get the chance  of getting used to cancer being part of their lives before it claims the loved-one's life. I hope this hasnt been a boring/negative blog, just feeling a little sombre of late, so would like to wish everyone good health, A MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! (I know its early, but hey, lifes too short to moan). Keep well all,


Claire x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire.I do hope your Dad will be ok  for xmas and that you get to enjoy it in some way.HUGS xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire,

    No it hasnt been a Boring / Negative Blog. It just goes to show what sort of a roller coaster we are all on.  Hope you your Dad and Family have a Very Happy Christmas and New Year when it comes. Things can only get better.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx