Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer

1 minute read time.

So here goes.... After a year of reading other blogs ive finally found the courage to write my own in the hope of finding someone in a similar situation.

My mum is 56 now and 2 years ago was diagnosed with limited stage small cell lung cancer. She had chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed by adjuvant radiotherapy to her brain.

Eleven months later the cancer returned in the same site as before and was still classed as limited stage disease as there was no spread. She then went on to have further chemotherapy, which again was sucessfull and pushed the tumour back into remission.

Now.. 10 months later the tumour has returned, again in the same site as before and without spread. So is still classed as limited stage disease.

Apparently this is very unusual and despite hours of trawling the internet I can not find a similar case study! It would appear that SCLC usually re presents itself as extensive disease.

So this is where the difficult decision comes; her oncologist has said that with chemotherapy alone the cancer will keep coming back until it is completely resitant to chemotherapy. It has therefore been suggested that second line radiotherapy is done on the original site. My mums oncologist has never done this before and from searching the internet I can not find a single person who has had second line radiotherapy for SCLC or who has presented a 3rd time with limited stage disease.

I think what im asking is... is there anyone else out there in a similar position and if so please get in touch!

Thanks :0)
