Hello again! To any who remember me...

Less than one minute read time.

Hiya all,

It was my Mum who had SCLC diagnosed almost this time last year, got the all clear in April/May.
Well, she never was quite right - and subsequently a couple of weeks ago was told she had secondarys - lung again, chest, adrenal glands and poss lymph nodes.  She's on chemo again for another 6 cycles.  She's lucky as it doesn't make her feel bad at all.
But I think its the beginning of difficult times ahead.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sims................I remember you my lovely. I  am so sorry to here about your mum and that the cancer has returned but glad that the chemo isn't giving her too much grief.

    Once again love, we will all be here for you and fighting along side your mum even at a distance. I send you hugs and love at this difficult time

    Carol x

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mums news. we do have a lot in common indeed. Mum was a smoker all her life too. Stopped after the diagnosis at least Small cell spreads quickly but on the other hand it does respond well to treatment so while your mums still receiving treatment it could still make a difference to her (thats what i'm telling myself anyway) Mum is due a scan in 6 weeks and we're all hoping the treatment has done something - fingers crossed. Not sure what they are going to say to us if it doesn't.

    I don't know about you but i flit from being angry, to being scared and then it's sheer panic then other times i'm fine and carrying on as normal. It's such a rollercoaster.

    I searched for success stories a lot when she was first diagnosed but to be honest the internet was a scary place and didn't give me any good news. Everyones different though and all we can do is hope for the best and enjoy the time we have left with our mums. I'm trying to say all the things i want to now while she's still well but i know i'll wish i said this and that but it's hard when you're trying to keep the conversation light and enjoyable. It's so unfair that we should have to deal with this or anyone for that matter. Stay strong for your mum everyone's right we will find the strenght from somewhere to get through the difficult times ahead. I just we didn't have to.

    Take carex

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I renamed myself from MikeC. My friend with SCLC has recently had a relapse too, and you are in my thoughts. See my blog (or maybe not).

    In a world of hurt right now. Words just fail me.

    Rollercoaster is a very apt description.

    Best of luck for U and yer family, riding it out is the only choice we are given.

    Pray if that helps I know I am, everynight even tho I'm not what anyone would call religious.
