So strange ...

1 minute read time.

When mum died I felt a hand on me so strong that I felt my husband had come into the bedroom where I was sobbing my heart out - strong enough to stop me, raise my head - but all I could hear was my father crying too in the other bedroom.

Mum always loved Malta - my daughter was born there - so I took her for a girls holiday, just the two of us..... or so I thought.  We were eating a rabbit dish - I was thinking 'I wonder what Mum would say if she was here now'   - my daughter immediately after this random thought, clasped her hands together in prayer and said 'I feel I have died and gone to heaven! and had her eyes closed. 

This was the same expression exactly my mother had used when I cooked her a rabbit casserole in the south of France.  My daughter never used that expression in her lifetime.  I felt Mum was with us.


After my husband died I meet someone and we went to the register office to plan the date.   We had no preconceived ideas - first date ...... my late husband's birthday.  Oh no the registrar said, sorry that's fully booked - then gave us the next date - the same day, the same date, the same month  and within an hour of the time I had married my previous husband.  I took this as his blessing.


When mum died she died on my darling aunt's birthday - an easy date to remember.  Chatting in this chat room people were talking about holidays and it soon became clear that the chatter had stayed in my late aunt's home - of all the places in Scotland.... 


Odd, strange, coincidences or signs from the hereafter - all I know they were very comforting.





  • FormerMember

    Hi Sol.

    Yes it is very comforting when things like this happen. I used to freak out and panic, but I learned that there was a reason things fell on the dates they did and it became a reassurance. Hope all goes well and that you have a wonderful day for your wedding. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot - the wedding was nearly two years ago now lol - and something out of a comedy show lol