So strange ...

1 minute read time.

When mum died I felt a hand on me so strong that I felt my husband had come into the bedroom where I was sobbing my heart out - strong enough to stop me, raise my head - but all I could hear was my father crying too in the other bedroom.

Mum always loved Malta - my daughter was born there - so I took her for a girls holiday, just the two of us..... or so I thought.  We were eating a rabbit dish - I was thinking 'I wonder what Mum would say if she was here now'   - my daughter immediately after this random thought, clasped her hands together in prayer and said 'I feel I have died and gone to heaven! and had her eyes closed. 

This was the same expression exactly my mother had used when I cooked her a rabbit casserole in the south of France.  My daughter never used that expression in her lifetime.  I felt Mum was with us.


After my husband died I meet someone and we went to the register office to plan the date.   We had no preconceived ideas - first date ...... my late husband's birthday.  Oh no the registrar said, sorry that's fully booked - then gave us the next date - the same day, the same date, the same month  and within an hour of the time I had married my previous husband.  I took this as his blessing.


When mum died she died on my darling aunt's birthday - an easy date to remember.  Chatting in this chat room people were talking about holidays and it soon became clear that the chatter had stayed in my late aunt's home - of all the places in Scotland.... 


Odd, strange, coincidences or signs from the hereafter - all I know they were very comforting.





  • FormerMember

    hi there, in some ways I don't think it matters whether they are strange coincidences or signs.. the important thing is that they are compforting and they remind us of loved ones and often make us smile.

    My brother and I have this thing of a white butterfly always being around whenever we are together and somewhere we would like our mum to be with us... makes us smile....


  • FormerMember

    Coincidences eh?  With me and mumsy it's Red Armiral butterflies and we look on them as messengers for the loved ones who have gone.  One of us always sees one when we are about to lose someone in the family.  Now you may think this is daft but I swear it's true no matter what time of year it is.

    My Aunty Christine left us in the November - Mumsy saw the butterfly.  My Aunty Pat left us in the February - Mumsy saw the butterfly.  Both times of the year when butterflies are not seen.

    I have seen them when my Uncle Tommy left us and my Nan.

    And Gordy had been in hospital for a week and  a Red Admiral butterfly followed me and Rocky when I was taking him for his afternoon walk and wouldn't go.  That was the day Gordy got the bad news.

    Mumsy reckons they are trying to tell us that everything will be fine for whoever is leaving us, even though we are about to experience a great sorrow.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    I'm glad they were comforting signs, and I hope you have many more.

    Colin xxx

  • Hi Jan 

    Guess I have been a bit of a cynic in the past over these sort of things but felt that if it gives a person comfort then who am I to question

    But I did have an experience that knocked that cynical attitude

    My mum used to say a certain song reminded her of me.A year after she died we were on holiday with our children I was sat on the beach whilst husband and children were playing in the sand.There was a man playing an organ near to the beach and he started to play the song that my mum said reminded her of me I felt this warm rush of air and felt as if someone had wrapped themselves around me in the biggest of hugs I don't know if it was imagination due to the song or if it was real but it made me feel good at the time 

    Scraton xxx

  • FormerMember

    It all sounds lovely and comforting. I sure want to leave BIG signs everywhere when I'm gone. School want me to straighten the books!