1 minute read time.

Excuse me but I  need to rant.  

We have no problem getting Travel Insurance when we travel in Europe with our EHIC card but try get insurance to a place they might have to pay and all of a sudden they don't want to know.  

We have a letter from our consultant which states "Unlike many cancers, his particular tumour is slow growing and is not at present causing him any signcant symptoms.  He remains extremely well and he is highly unlikely to need any additional treatment in the near future.  I have reviewed him today and I am entirely satisfied that he will be well enough to undertake long haul flights and be self caring whilst abroad" 

Yet the last company we tried said that because he is having no treatment and non is planned in the near future, it appears as though the doctors cannot do anything else for him.  

This is partly true... We have been told that chemo will probably not work and may even make things worse. So while he his feeling so well he has taken the decision to leave well enough alone.  Yes he has cancer which has spread to lungs and liver but he's really well at present.  Its more likely me being overweight, unfit and high blood pressure that is more at risk, but yes I can get cover.

Can't these people see that while he is so well we want to visit all the places we'd planned to go when we'd retired, we are cramming years and years worth of holidays into as much time as we are able.

Well Laurence has said he's still going to Canada 3 weeks tomorrow insured or not.  He said if anything does happen hit him over the head and feed him to the bears.

Deep breath in........ deep breath out........  Rant over Zip it!

Thank you for listening Ladies and Gentleman.


Love Luck Laughter

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelley,

    Well good for Laurence,I like a man that just cuts through all this red tape. Have a great Holiday. Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • hi     have you tried itsoeasytravelinsurance.com  

    I know we are all different but they seem ok if you are 3 months post treatment, they have an online screening form you could try before ringing.

  • FormerMember

    Well done that he is doing so well..... Get out there and enjoy yourselves....

    I know all about trying to get insurance of any kind , I haven't had any for years... But since my terminal dx in march 08 I have traveled to the states twice and south Africa twice and Spain 3 times without any insurance one company ( m.I.a) want £2.500 for one south Africa trip and that didn't cover anything cancer related...... The way I look at it is if I get ill while I'm away a last mi ute flight isn't going to cost more than the insurance... And cancer isn't the type of illness that you won't have time to fly home.... So I say stuff them and take a chance of a bit of r&r you deserve it

    Good luck

    Liz xoxoxo

  • These insurance companies are barmy! They should worry more about folk with heart conditions than with cancer and yet I've known people with serious heart conditions who had no problem with insurance.

    And if the worse comes to the worse PLEASE don't feed Laurence to the bears!



  • FormerMember

    Hi John

    Yes one of the first I tried because of the online screening form.  Would cover him if he didn't have spread.  Will offer cover excluding his cancer.  Might get that then at least covered for accidents, Mind you will probably try blame anything at all on his cancer.