Catch up

3 minute read time.

Hi to all my Maconite mates......Big Smile  Its been a while since I last posted (July 30th to be exact) but thought I'd update everyone. 

We went to Canada for 3 weeks and had the best time ever.Cool  Our food company Nutrica sent out all Laurence's food, giving-sets and energy suppliments.  These arrived at my cousins house 2 weeks before we left England.  This saved me from worrying that it had arrived and that they was enough for 3 weeks. Thank You Nutrica Yes  Laurence was really well and the amount of travelling did not tire him unduly, infact it was me that was totally knackered.Sleep

We saw bears

and Deer

 We went whale-watching and was lucky enough to see a pod of Orca's.... Sorry no pictures  Cryingbut will post video when I've edited all my rubbish filming.

We went from Vancouver to Calgary and then back to Vancouver Island. We stayed with my cousin Suzanne & her husband Derek in Campbell River and they took us up to Derek sister's place in Cyacuse, This is on an old logging site and the location is absolutely beautiful. The picture below is taken from their garden one morning.


We did so much while there, we ticked 2 things of the bucket list .....Going to Canada and seeing Orca's in the wild.  I'm so glad we went.

Oh and I even did a Deb's and took this picture of a fungus growing on the side of a tree.


Ok so not really upto Deb's standard but I was pretty pleased with it..Smile

When we returned home we had our new "Tin Villa" to look forward to seeing.  We packed everything up in the old one before we left and Thomas the site owner and his staff were going to put our new one in place then move all our stuff from one to the other.  Our friend's Dot and Rod unpacked the things they could and made the beds up so by the time we got there it was mostly done.  

We have also done a presentation with our Mac CNS Michelle at a National Head and Neck Cancer Study day held by Bradford Teaching Hospitals & Calderdale & Kirklees NHS Trust .  Macmillan have recorded the whole day and the presentations will be used for further teaching etc.  Ours was entitled "The Time of Our Lives" and was about quality of life and patient led care after a total glossectomy and terminal diagnosis.  I think it went down well.

Well next month we are off to Rome for a few days.  After I went with the girls .....(I use the word girls in the broadest sense as most of us had reached and passed our half centuary) I came back and said to Laurence I have to take you to see Rome. So we are doing just that.  

Then November its our family holiday with the boys,  this year its Lanzarote.

Its a damn good job we don't see onc John until January as we just haven't time. 

My work are being so good at letting me take unpaid leave to enable us to do the things we planned on doing when we retired and  to have all these holidays while Laurence is still fit and well. 

I'm glad to see Kezzer, Debs and Drew are still keeping everyone entertained and will take me a while to catch up on all the blogs.  

Just to show you how well Laurence looks the picture below was take at Cathedral Grove,

Love Life Laughter


  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelley, what wonderful photo's! I am so happy that you are living your dreams.

    Funnily enough my husband and I did the same thing. In fact one year we had 9 different holidays.

    We went to Australia, Africa and yes we went to Canada.

    Whilst in Canada we bought a beautiful piece of land in a small town 2 hours away from Winnipeg.

    My husband had hoped to live long enough to build me a home which I could retire to.

    Sadly that didn't happen as he lasted less than a year afterwards.

    I still have the land and maybe one day who knows!

    Keep on living your dreams and never give up.

    Laurence looks wonderful in his photo.

    I hope you have many many more wonderful times together.

    Take care Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    I really admire you for doing the presentation.  It's very important to make real to professionals how it can be with this illness.

    Lovely blog.  Take care.  Cathy XXX

  • FormerMember

    I am so glad you both had a good time. I am off for my usual 2 weeks on the narrow boat in North Wales, will catch up with you hun when I get back. Love to you both....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shez,

    Looks a beautiful country. Like your Photos reminds

    me of some of my pals on site. But Im not that stupid to mention the resemblences. Glad you enjoyed yourselves,good to see you looking so well.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelley!

    Great to see you and to hear all about your trip to Canada.  It looks fabulous!

    Marsha x