Another Update

1 minute read time.

Hi to all my Macmates and to all the newbies too.  Yes

It was September when I last blogged and we had just come home from Canada.

To update Laurence is still doing really well, so much so that we put our January  Onc John appointment back to March.  Well we go in he asks Laurence how he's doing Laurence says "OK", Then onc John asks "any problems" Laurence replys "No" Next question is "do you want a scan to see how things are progressing" Laurence says "No thanks" Then onc John usually gives us a little speech about how we are doing the right thing and when do we want to see him again, he also tells us that we can contact him sooner if we want/need to or push things back a bit if everything ok.  It will be nearly 9 months since we went last time till  we go in March, Laurence can't see much point in going when he hasn't any symptoms (Thank GodYes) and they can't do anything as chemo doesn't work on his type of tumours. 

We are still ticking things off and adding to his bucket list.  The next big news is that I'm taking early retirement so we can spend time together while he's still well enough to do things.  Mind you money will be so tight once I do finish that we won't be galavanting around, but money isn't everything. 

Well my friends I hope you are all doing the best you can.

Love Life and Lots of Laughter


PS If anyone has heard anything about CathySL and Mike would like to know.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelley, good to hear from you. So glad that Laurence is still doing so well. Long may it continue.

    Glad you are getting to do loads of things together.

    All the very best. Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Good news indeed Shelley and congrats on the early what's that again......not really had any since I was diagnosed and gave up work!

    But it makes you cherish the things you do together and you have that wonderful tin villa to escape to whenever you want!

    Here's to Laurences continued good health.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • Hi Shelley,

    Wonderful to hear from you again and I'm so glad Laurence is doing so well. I hope you have a good time during your retirement.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Shelley,

    Glad to hear Laurence is doing well. Hope you are looking after yourself. All the best and good luck,.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    well done early retirement is a great idea, hope laurence  keeps doing well shelley, good luck

    liz xxxx