out of hospital

1 minute read time.
hi everyone missed you all well where to start, went in hospital tuesday 3rd march had my bowel op and they had to remove 1/3 of my bladder as the cancer had grown into the bladder. they done the op keyhole but was down in theatre 4 hours.by the saturday i was in alot of pain so was sent for a ct scan. it revealed my bladder was leaking so was rushed into theatre again to repair it. i woke up with a tube coming out of my stomach and in alot of pain. then i had a bad reaction to the anesetic and kept being sick which didnt help my stomach. they had to open me up for second op so a lovely big scar. so after nearly a week after the 2nd op they thought the bladder was still leaking however after tests they said it was fine. thank goodness. they took the tube out and allowed me home with just the cathater in. then on tuesday i had the cathater out, i feel human again. well good news they removed all the cancer they could see they took some lympth nodes and they were clear too. my next ct scan is the end of may and i see my oncologist 11th june. i see my surgeon in about two months for a check up. i was told that the histology report showed the cancer was aggresive which is unusal in someone so young. however i'm here survived two ops and will fight anything thrown at me. take care sha xxxx