How it all began

1 minute read time.

06 Oct 23

in January 2023 I noticed that I was having toilet issues by needing wee more often than normal. I was feeling very tired all of the time.

by March I had my first blood test which showed low iron so was put on iron tablets. Yip this worked, black number 2s and iron level back up, but still tired and needing wee all the time.

April had another blood test and cancer check of my number 2. This showed bloods a little low on white cells but traces of blood in sample.

May comes around and I have camera put in both ends, some polyps removed and non cancerous.

August came around and I went away for a weekend with some friends. I’m not a big drinker and we all know breaking the seal is a thing, but this was taking the proverbial. Honestly after two drinks I felt I needed to go to toilet every two minutes and couldn’t go.  Between then and September this was getting worse, without drink. It was getting to the stage I was having accidents trying to get to toilet.

September I’ve had enough so go to GO and tell them about this. Another blood test which shows PSA 553, which they said way high.

within two weeks I go to see consultant. Now I know what is going to happen for him to check my prostate, but when you are confronted by a huge guy with hands like shovels you do start to panic.

Anyway he did a check and told me I had very big and very hard prostate and that is cancerous. To be honest that’s all I heard as the rest a blur.

I get met letter which says I have advanced prostate cancer T4. But how he can tell that with his finger I do not know.

anyway I have had a CT scan this week and having MRI on Sunday followed by full bone scan the week after.

I feel fine and still able to do park runs on Saturdays however I am struggling to be bothered to go running any other time. Still very tired all of the time though.

I will update this once I have had my confirmation from the consultant. Let’s hope it’s nothing but enlarged prostate, but will let you know.

  • Sorry to hear you are going through this. I would definitely advise you to try to keep up your running (I am also a runner although currently struggling because of treatment). Not only does the fitness help you deal with treatment, the headspace you get with running becomes a vital part of managing the mental challenge of going through these things. Once you are kitted up and out of the door it all seems a bit better.