secondary bone

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I have two kids and havent worked since i found out. I have had radio, and 2 lots of zoleronate. I take exemestane which i think is causing my legs to really ache. Dont know if i should work or not. I am a hca in local hosp. But cant work on the ward as its too heavy. They are really supportive and are trying to find me something else. But if i'm honest i'm not sure i can do a job full or part time. I feel quite pulled part of me things work part time for as long as poss and part of me thinks why... look after the kids while i can.....dont know what to do

  • FormerMember

    Hi Flower,  Sorry to see you joining us here. You certainly have been through the mill. Yes you are probably right about the Exemestane (aromasin) Joint and muscle pain are known side effects of this. By zoleronate is that the same as Zoledronic Acid (Zometa) ? If so, don't know why you were told any sickness was not down to those as feeling sickly is a side effect of both exemestane and zolendronic acid so could have been either. At least the tablets helped when you eventually got them.

    Can sympathise with you about work - you find you need at least some cash coming in and would like to carry on doing something but find it almost impossible to carry on working full time because of fatigue caused by treatment or illness, or do any work that requires manual handling and lifting because of muscle / bone weakness. Most going through treatment have some time off then go back on a phased return on short hours if or when they feel ready to do so. Also unless you can get a decent period on full sick pay the wage you will get working part time may not be much more than SSP of around £80 per week. If that is the case it may be worth going sick for the full 26 weeks. You could contact the financial support dept at Macmillan free phone number 0808 808 0000 to help with any benefits and allowances you would be entitled to.

    Perhaps it would be of more better for you if you were to join a couple of breast groups here to help get answers from others going through similar situations to see how they coped.

    One is the Secondary Breast Group which has quite a few posts you can read but is fairly quiet compared to the lot more active Main Breast Group, Have no idea how much information you have been given but there are loads of free booklets available - we update and post a list weekly in the Breast Group. You do actually have to join a group to start a new discussion though.

    Meanwhile here are a couple of info pages about Exemestane and also Zoledronic Acid you may find useful. Hope this helps you to settle in, if you get stuck finding your way around there is a help button at the top of the page. Do join either or both breast groups though it's a better way of getting answers than via a blog.

    Take care, George & Jackie (main breast group)

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for your helpful advice and support. I'm so sorry I haven't replied to you before but I have only just seen the message. I'm not great on computers and I didn't think anyone replied....silly me!

    I am feeling much better and stronger,The Zometa isn't causing sickness anymore, thank god. I'm about to go back to work on the 8th Aug as a receptionist part time and hope this will work out. Had to go on a few courses, apply for quite a few jobs, went for 3 interviews, it's been quite stressful, but got there in the end.

    I hope you are doing well and thanks again for the advice. x