
1 minute read time.

It seems to have gone so quickly, tomorrow I start my tri-cycle, the 3rd cycle of my BEP chemo. This is hopefully the last one, and so a deep breath, endure the beeping machine, the bi-hourly trips to the loo, and the ignominies of an inpatient's life, and I'll be close to the finishing line. I'm all stocked up with tech gadgets, sweets, drinks and tricks to endure the inpatient spell. After that its just 2 day-patient chemo visits and that'll be the last toxic chemical to enter my body.

The scan to check the results will be soon after, and I'm told that the tumour may continue to shrink for 6~8 weeks after that, and so any decision regarding surgery to take the remnants of the tumor out will probably be 2 months away. If an orchidectomy is required, then that'll be as a day patient and will be sooner - I just wish they wouldn't refer to it as keyhole surgery - it hurts my pride ;-)

So, time to plan my return to work, with no adverse side-effect other than being bald. It feels like I should have used the time-off more productively - learned to the play the violin, decorated the house, or at least tidied my sock drawer.

  • FormerMember

    Hi gregm,


    I'm in the same boat as you, tomorrow is the last treatment of my last and 4th cycle 9I hope) and then it's Monday for my scans followed by the Oncologist on the 8th.


    Bit frightened really, want the treatment to finish, but don;t if you know what I mean.Get to know the truth one way or the other. Iv'e been on this treatment journey now for 9 months and they have said all along that I'm responding very well to both the RT and chemotherapy that  Iv'e had/having, it's what goes through your mind when you get near to an Oncologists visit that frightens me the most, and like you, this 9 months I've been off work I wish I'd made more constructive, but the tiredness and fatigue this treatment has left in most cases has left me weak as a kitten.

  • Hi Billy,

    I agree, during the treatment you're jiust a passenger - turn up, take the treatment, go home. It's the points where there's new information and the next chapter in the story unfolds that can be scary.

    Congratulations on completing your RT and chemo, and I wish you the best possible results from the scan.