First Day as an Inpatient

1 minute read time.

Into the hospital early this morning for baseline functions - hearing test was good so starting from a strong base, and the lung function is strong after years of cycling and rowing, They found a bed in the ward for me at noon, just in time for lunch :-) After that I'm on 2 bags of hydration (6 hours in total) to be followed by 2 bags of chemo later tonight, and then back onto hydration. Hopefully that means I'll sleep through much of it, having taken the anti-emetic. I didn't get too much sleep last night so should be tired enough to sleep tonight, and I'll report on the first dose of chemo tomorrow. I hope I can start backing off on the painkillers for the stent as the after effects of that procedure seem to be lessening,

Update: I didn't sleep too much I think, perhaps 4 or 5 hours as it's a little noisy even with ear plugs, and there are frequent trips to let the fluids out. I was gently roused at 6am for general observations. At 4am the 2nd bag of Cisplatin finished, still no discernable side effects - the only mild discomfort being from the stent. I'm now on 8hrs of hydration before the next chemo.

For another great blog from someone on a similar journey Martin's story
