Scared and doctors don’t listen


just wondered if there was anyone out there who has had similar symptoms with a positive outcome. 
Around 4 months ago my symptoms started with lower back pain. Now it is more achy hips and legs which sometimes feels like a burning pain. I also have an intermittent pain in my lower left leg and feels like something is in the leg. Although can't feel from the outside. 
my thigh on this leg also feels swollen .

i have seen the gp numerous times as had some biopsies taken for skin lesions which have come back benign. I am concerned about 2 lesions on my other leg but gp was adamant they are of no concern although do not provide an actual diagnosis of what they are so referred to dermatology after I asked . Dermatology have just looked at the pictures and put as routine so won't be seen for around 12 months. 
i have had the lesions for around 4 years and I feel they are different, strangely now they look like they are shrinking. 
My concern is that with all this pain I have advanced cancer and no one is listening. I am considering going to a & e although I'm not sure that is appropriate. currently awaiting some blood results. 


  • Hi Anon85 sorry to hear that you have no diagnosis yet. My bloods were abnormal so they are being repeated. Your bloods were normal so that is a positive. The decision whether to go private for your scan is one only you can make. If you think it would ease your anxiety and stress then maybe you should look into it. The waiting is the worst part because you always think the worst. Try to focus on the positives. There is always someone here that you can chat to .