Sarsfield's blog

  • Patience is a virtue


    Well folks,

     I went back to see my Consultant today,about having an Op to restore my voice. By inserting a voice valve unfortunately due to the Scaring on my Windpipe and Oesphagus which was left after we tried the same Op last year it will take 2 yrs for the healing process to be complete before he can try again. So 2 yrs its going to have to be. Never mind things could be worse.

    Good Luck take care and be safe. Sarsfield…

  • Marriage


    Well folks,

    The big day is getting closer,and I,m getting myself uptight, My Big son Tony is getting Married next week to a very lovely young woman, To be honest I didnt think I would still be here,but you know what the Irish are like the will fight on  to the end.

    I just hope he will be as happy as I have over the past 40 yrs. The Cancer is only a blip in my life,which has had its ups and downs, but next Thur will have…

  • CLAN


    Hi all,

    Clan is the National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs Newsletter.  I got my issue today, and some of the information available was hard to believe.

    Anyone wanting to look up what Wikipedia,s impressive websites on Cancer of the larynx or of Laryngectomy. it gives all the detail of the different types of Laryngeal Cancer,and how some are now treated.

    In one of the items it states that pets i,e Cats and Dogs…

  • Treatment


    Hi Folks,

    Has anybody seen the news where over the next 2 yrs. the Government says that..

     ,if you think you have the symtoms of a Cancer.  If you go to your G.P. he will make sure you are seen with in a week, and Treatment will start more or less straight away. Does anybody really beleive that.??
