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Hi Folks,

Has anybody seen the news where over the next 2 yrs. the Government says that..

 ,if you think you have the symtoms of a Cancer.  If you go to your G.P. he will make sure you are seen with in a week, and Treatment will start more or less straight away. Does anybody really beleive that.??


  • FormerMember

    My husband's GP made a request for an early referal to a  respitary consultant when he presented with a lung problem.  All very good, he was seen 6 day later.  The consultant told lus the symptoms were consistent with lmesothelioma, and that a specialist lung surgeon would need to drain flluid from the chest cavity, investigate  and take biospies.  That was where things fell apart.  His case was referred to a multi-dissclipinary meeting two weeks later.  Then the surgeon needed to assess him for surgery, then a pre-op assessment.... the operation was eventually scheduled for ten weeks after he has seen the respitary consultant.  All this time,  the fliud was building up in his chest,  he was becoming more  

    more breathless, and, the weight was dropping off him until he had gone down from eleven stones to under eight.  To add insult to injury he got a call the day before the operation was planned to say it had been cancelled.  By this time, I was so angry that I gave the storty to our local television station.  Surprise, surprise, the operation was re-instated.  Patients may be seen in two weeks, but I won't hold my breath that they will actually be treeated any sooner.  

  • FormerMember

    First of all the incompetant gp's have to refer you! If they're not on the ball like they should be and just keep fobbing people off like they did with my partner then the 2 week rule means nothing anyway!

    My partner first went to gp in January now bearing in mind he had cancer 5 years ago, gp insisted he had prostatitis and was treating him for that for 3 months! By the time the quacks eventually referred him it was too late!

    Dont get me started on this one-to say i am bitter is an understatement! I havnt spoken to our gp since i hold them responsible they have let us down badly.

  • FormerMember

    I wish I could believe that Sarsfield, I am still grieving and angry about the way my sister and my Dad were treated fairly recently. I have worked with people who have brain tumours since 1990 but despite trying to convince our GP that my sister was suffering with a brain tumour, he chose to think I was over reacting!  and after 3 months of testing her for ear problems he finally turned up on the doorstep and asked to talk to me! explaining that he was very sorry but yes she did have a brain tumour after all! ( I had fought for her to have an MRI)   and also said it was probably too late to do very much to help her..sadly he was right on that occasion.  

    I had the same problem trying to get the Drs to listen when my Dad showed signs of bowel cancer :( I lost him last year.

    What really worries me is that nothing seems to have changed since my Mum was suffering from bowel cancer symptoms back in 1985!!! only to be told she had piles! for 6 months..  sadly mum passed away a few months later.

    Do these Drs ever learn??!!!

    Love scarlet x

  • FormerMember

    I'm with you on this one. First GP I saw said come back in 6 weeks. The lump will probably have disappeared on it's own by then. It was only when I saw my 'favourite' GP two weeks later, that I got the referral. What is it with some GP's? I had a lump. Why would they take a risk? Why would they be so complacent with someone elses life? I just don't get it.

    Perhaps that's why the two week rule works - because not everybody who should be referred, actually is referred. If they are all eventually referred after some random, useless treatment for 'something else'between 6 and 12 weeks later, it's not actually 2 weeks at all now is it?

  • FormerMember

    i agree with everyone here. Went to docs 5times in 10 months with severe abdominal pain and bloating and was treated for IBS even though i had been treated for ovarian cancer some years previously. It was only because i insisted on blood tests and a scan that i was eventually diagnosed with recurrent ovarian cancer.