Salvage radiotherapy - another journey

  • Post operative recovery


    I spent two weeks in hospital, with a catheter, which had been inserted during the operation. This meant the urine bottle was hanging on the side of my bed and I had to sleep either on my back or turned slightly left or right.

    I wasn’t allowed to drink water, only to wet my lips with small sponges on sticks. An epidural had been set up in my spine, to minimise any pain that might arise. I also had an oxygen mask fitted…

  • In the beginning


    Early in 2004, when I was 58, I went to see my GP about my twice nightly visits to the toilet. I knew that it is a common occurrence amongst men of my age and expected to be referred for ‘a simple procedure’ to the prostate gland to fix the problem. First, as a routine, I was asked to have a blood test. A few weeks later, I happened to be at my local surgery seeing the nurse for something trivial so mentioned I hadn’t…