Results post surgery, lumpectomy and axilla lymph node clearance.

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4 wks after surgery eventually it came round. So stressed the day before. So happy to hear I am stage 2 and only 1 of the 30 lymph nodes from axilla had cancer in it. Tissue sample going off to California to see if chemo will help. I'm in grey area in the middle. Glad they have this technology. 

Definitely radiotherapy and oestrogen hormone blocker Anasterazole. Just been reading the small print. Hey ho who cares about side effects if it stops it coming back. 

Back to the arm exercises, shoulder and shoulder blade still stiff. It will improve they reassured me. Looking forward to dancing again. Panto today with my son.

It feels like a weight has been lifted. I do know what untreatable cancer looks like my Mother had that journey. So yes I do feel lucky. The Covid jab helped to alert me to it. Then a pulsation in my breast that lasted for hours. Next I found the dimple. It wasn't very big 24mms. So glad I had the Covid jab in that arm, it gave me a pain in the arm pit. 

  • Every cloud has a silver lining comes to mind. Thank God you had that Covid jab! Hope the tissue sampling comes back soon and you don't need chemo. x

  • Thank you and yes, although preparing for anything and everything. Fingers crossed. I choose life whatever it brings, it's been a real mixed bag. I think mostly we live life which is why we fight so hard to keep it. Everything has been rewritten, at least the weather's crap and I'm not missing anything at the mo. Xxx