Ok as the title says this is round two for me

Less than one minute read time.

So on Sunday I was admitted to Hospital in York with back pain so bad that even a dose of morphine didnt last longer than 1 hour.. turns out I had a kidney infection.. not bad you think what you complaining about right?? well heres the kicker while looking into the kidneys they find a mass on my cervix that they were a little worried about.. so on Wednesday I went for a biposy and the Doc pushed for the results to be done as fast as possible.. he got them turned around in 24 hours..Sadly it confermed what he saw during the biopsy... the cancer is back again for a second time....am now waiting for an MRI, which is happening on Monday next week, then for the planning meeting of all the specilests in Leeds to decide what treatment I will be having....

Needless to say I'm scared BUT I have decided that the following will be my motto.


  • FormerMember


    I went to St. James's Leeds yesterday to talk about a chemo trial they are running and if I should join it.. I've decided to join it so yes while it does mean extra trips to and from Leeds as well as extra blood tests and scans it's gonna be worth it as does my partner. He is backing me every step of the way with this bless him.

    It does mean that treatment wont be starting for at least another 2 weeks but it's gonna be worth it

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy.Hope all goes well,another Yorkie like us do keep in touch.Hugs Chris.xx

  • FormerMember

    Update time again

    So things are going well for me to join the trial.

    Next week I've got a very busy time..

    Monday I have an appointment with the local Hospital in York to fill out the pre-opperation paperwork in readyness to have a hickman line placed into my chest.

    Tuesday I'm in York Hospital for my hickman line opperation.

    Wednesday I'm in Leeds from 10 am till 4pm for tests and scans as part of the trial.

    Thursday is hospital free.

    Friday I'm back in Leeds to find out for sure if I will be part of the test, talking to the nurses about the chemo I will be getting on the following Monday!!!

    The following Monday I start the treatments and all being well the trial itself. Then every 3 weeks I will be going to Leeds on a Friday to see the Doctors of the trial and the following Monday's for the Chemo's

  • FormerMember

    ok the weeks half over and everything that was ment to happen from the above list of things has done along with something thats really put a smile on my face...here's a new's paper story from today :D hope you all like it people www.yorkpress.co.uk/.../9236635.Brave_Mandy_to_have_head_shaved

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,Saw you in the press this morning will try and get to see you on the 10th sept to sponsor you. love Chris.xx