Ovarian Cancer

Less than one minute read time.

It nearly 12 months since my last treatment. I have just had my three month check. As expected my CA125 is still going up its 200 now normal is below 35.

My Oncologist is sending me for a CT scan to see where the cancer is this time and how big its grown. When it gets to 4mm its the time for more chemo. I dont think l shall be having the treatment jut yet but may be later this year.

Well ive been there and done it 4 times so l can manage a 5th. I dont know what chemo he is thinking about but he did mention that l had coped with the Caelyx ok so may be have that again. If l do l will have my hair cut short this time its horrible watching your hair thin might as well not have any. At least if l do have the Caelyx again l will know what to expect..

thanks for reading, Rosie

  • FormerMember

    hi rosie, sending you big hugs...

    maybe soon we will meet for a drink or something =)

    just let me no a day your free =) xxx

  • FormerMember

    oh rosie so sorry for you.  what a nitemare you having, as if you havent been through enough already.   We will be all routing for yer to get better soon.  keep the positive attitude and you will get thru xxxxxx loads of love and hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

               I am sure you will cope with a 5th lot of chemo, although not just yet hopefully. You have been so positive and I hope that the CT scan will show very little growth. I have my 3 month check in May, after finishing my 4th lot of chemo, so number 5 looms for me at some time in the future (not for a long while, fingers crossed!).

               As always, I send my very best wishes,

                  Love and hugs,

                      lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for your love and hugs, It lovely to have such good friends.

    Fingers crossed Lizzie that you get a break before number 5 all the very best.

    Thank you Jan John Sarsfield Teresa Nic Dawn Max & Emma. Thats a date Emma

    Love and hugs to you all Rosie