Ovarian Cancer

Less than one minute read time.

It nearly 12 months since my last treatment. I have just had my three month check. As expected my CA125 is still going up its 200 now normal is below 35.

My Oncologist is sending me for a CT scan to see where the cancer is this time and how big its grown. When it gets to 4mm its the time for more chemo. I dont think l shall be having the treatment jut yet but may be later this year.

Well ive been there and done it 4 times so l can manage a 5th. I dont know what chemo he is thinking about but he did mention that l had coped with the Caelyx ok so may be have that again. If l do l will have my hair cut short this time its horrible watching your hair thin might as well not have any. At least if l do have the Caelyx again l will know what to expect..

thanks for reading, Rosie
