My Cancer Journey

2 minute read time.

I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in July 2001. I had had no real symptoms ( well to me any way)

My monthlys stopped in Jan 2001. Oh l thought l have gone into the change. thought nothing about it any more expecting to find l started again the next month.

I found l was putting on weight so started to go to the gym to do some think about it. The weight continued to climb until going to the gym was a real effort and l was too tired to go. what really pushed me was two ladies were joining the gym asked me how much weight l had lost!!!!! answer none.

I then went to the Doctor and told him how l felt like a beached whale.I was sent for an ultra sound scan having had to wait two weeks for appointment and that was urgent. I had the scan the raidiologist said nothing to me but asked for some one else to come. It was explained that they could not get a picture of what  was going on because my tummy was filled with fluid. I needed to have the fluid drained so would l like to stop in the hospital or l must come back on Monday. This was friday 13th. I thought there might not be a bed so l stayed.

I then had a sample of blood taken out of my tummy to go for analasis. l was being weighted and measured through out. The next week l had a CT scan and was told when all the results were in they would tell me what was going on.

Now comes the blow, l was told that l need a hystorectomy because it was possible that l had Ovarian Cancer. I had never heard of it! cancer is what other people have and it is very painful ( l had no pain). i being the optomist told my self they were not sure l would wait and see.

I had the op on 31st of July and was told by my surgeon that is was very likely to be cancer but he could not say definatley untill the tests came back. l was still optomistic l did not have cancer. My Surgeon came back a few days later to tell me it was confirmed. the bottom fell out of my world, l could not belive it.

I then met my Oncologist for the first time and he has been looking after me for 8yrs.

I had taxol and carboplatin in 2001, 2005 2008.

I have responed very well until 2008 when with 5 of the chemos my CA125 was dropping  l the had a scan the cancer was clear. had the 6th chemo but on my next check the CA125 was rising again so l have been on watchful waiting ever since.

Yesterday l started having Caelyx and will try to keep you up dated as to what happens.

thanks for reading.




  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    Just read your blog and am so impressed that you have stayed so strong throughout your treatment.   How on earth did you cope when it came back 3 times?

    Although I have a different cancer to you mine is oestrogen dependent which I think ovarian is........but maybe wrong, I have just completed the same chemo and am nearly 3/4 of the way through radiotherapy.  I keep thinking to myself that this is all worthwhile as long as it doesn't come back but I know the chances of recurrence are really high as I have a grade 3.

    I just wondered how you prepare yourself for this and how you deal with it when it does.




  • FormerMember

    Hello Rosie and Lorraine

    Lorraine - like Rosie I have ovarian cancer, which was diagnosed in April 2008.  I had carboplatin and paclitaxel, which I think is the standard firstline treatment for OvCa, and was in remission from January until July this year.  I felt on top of the world, but to my total surprise my 6 month scan showed that my cancer had already come back (although my CA-125 was still in the normal range).  I'm now half way through my second lot of chemo - carboplatin on its own this time.  

    I don't know whether Rosie would agree, but when you know that the cancer will very probably reoccur, it almost seems inevitable when the relapse is confirmed.  I don't think there is any way you can prepare for it, but you just get on and deal with it in the same way that you dealt with it the first time round.  Perhaps I may feel differently if I get a longer period of remission next time, but I've always felt we have two choices - keep going or give in without a fight.  There are so many inspiring people on this site that I know I shall keep fighting as long as possible!

    I do hope that your treatment is going well - it really is worth it!


    Kate xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate & Rosie

    Kate, thanks for your comment.  It must have been a shock when you had a relapse after only 6 months.  No taxol this time so at least you won't lose your hair with carboplatin.   I know the treatment is worth it and like you will fight every time.

    My treatment has gone very well indeed thanks and I can actually see that light twinkling at the end of the tunnel.  Only 5 more radiotherapy sessions left and then brachytherapy on 24th November.  Hopefully, if I'm ok we will then fly back to Philadelphia until Christmas.  

    Keep smiling

    Love and hugs



  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate and Lorraine, thanks for your replys. have not been on site very much computer probs but will be sorted.

    Kate is right there is not right way of dealing with the cancer but when you know it is going to come back you just have to deal with it as best as you can. I was always told it would be back so the relapses are not such a shock for me.just try to stay positive and keep fighting.

    I hope your treatment continues to go well and you get back to Philadelphia for christmas.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie

    I was diagnosed with stage 3c in April 2006 when I had taxol and carboplatin, I had 10 months in remission. I then had 12 sessions of caelyx and had 6 months in remission. I finished 6 sessions of taxol and carboplatin in June this year and started Caelyx again last month. It is hard each time it comes back but you just have to get on with it because the other alternative doesn't bear think about. Let me know how you get on with the caelyx.

    Take care.