Feeling down in the Dumps

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I am feeling down in the dumps today. Saw my Oncologist yesterday for my three month check my C125 has gone up a bit more not too bad but l am going to have a CTscan to see where it is. I usually respond well to the marker quite well so we know it is back some where. It is probably too small to see yet. It is just that l only finished chemo in November and l would have liked a bit of time before the watchful waiting started. This was my third round of chemo. My first was in 2001. I know l should be grateful because l am very lucky when compared to a lot of you other folks on this sight who are so very poorly. Just feeling a bit sorry for myself l suppose. I am usually very positive but l just don't feel positive as the moment. Thanks for reading Rosie
  • FormerMember

    Hi Rosie,

    Guess what?  I feel down in the dumps.....and I dont have cancer!  You have every right to feel down, you have been dealing with this, from what I read, since 2001?  8 years?  that sucks!  So if you want to feel sorry for yourself, then feel sorry for yourself!

    Just know that you have people here who understand what you are going through, thats what its all about, a problem shared is a problem halfed!

    Hope tomorrow is better for you

    Take care,

    love Netty x

  • FormerMember

    I too agree with Netty, you are well intitled to feel down in dumps, we all do now and again. I have my first check up in july since all clear in april. Chin up, sounds like your a fighter, just another blip. Bless you xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Netty and Chas, thanks for replys. I am a bit better today. It is just what is next and when!

    I have had Taxol and Carboplatin three times now and have become resistant this time because the C125 didn;t come down so well. It is now going up again just 6 months later. I am going to have to wait for the scan. I like to be in charge of my life, with Cancer you are not in charge. I like to plan holidays and things but it all on stop until l know what is happening.

    expect l shall just have to get up and get on with my life. Got a lovely wedding to look forward to next month. Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Since l last posted l have had my scan and its back. It was quite small so my Oncologist was happy for me to wait a bit longer. I see him on the 7th October to see what the C125 says then may be chemo. I am going to be having Cayolx, (spelling is not correct) which l must admit is making me anxious because it is a new chemo to me. l had got used to Taxol and Carboplatin and new what to expect with side effects.

    My Dr also mentioned a trial, l am wondering which one, l would like to help if l can. One trial mentions possible weight gain, well if l have that l am sure to pile on the weight and l don't want to put on any more. I have always gained weight when having chemo so l really do not want to gain any more. I am trying to loose some weight before l start any chemo.
