Picko beats the odds to ride again!!!!!!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Those of you who know, John Picko Pickering has VHL which is the seventh rarest human disease in the world. It manifests itself in many ways including kidney cancer which Picko has got (only got one kidney at 30%) and numerous secondaries in his liver, pancreas, pelvis, spine and chest. In December 2010 he was given 12 weeks to live without any treatment. Ten weeks into his 12 I went to see him and he had had no treatment. "Not looking good, mate?" I said. Since then he has been to hell and back several times with chemo side effects and many times I have left visiting him in hospital thinking that was the end only to find him the life and soul of the party two days later. This is his latest Facebook posting.

God shakes my hand then Geds and he sit facing me and asks how I feel and how have I been since my stay in hospital about 4 weeks ago, so ged and I start to tell him all the problems I’ve had and he takes it all in and come to the conclusion that all the problems are due to the chemo tablets and it’s down to my body starting to reject it, so he has stopped it for the next 4 weeks, but what about t...
he cancer I ask. Right he says your scans are very good everything is stable we couldn’t wish for a better response, so why the urgent blood tests today I asked well he said the one that was took last week are too old for him and he wanted new bloods today but having seen me he is not bothered with the blood results I look very fit and well, Yvette has now joined us and she starts to take a few notes, the prof then says that they might give me a 3 month break from the chemo but keep scanning me to make sure nothing changes I ask the question what if the cancer starts to grow again well if that’s the case we start treatment again you have lots of miles yet to go using Sutent so I ask about a new drug I have been reading about can’t have that one just yet he said still not licensed in the uk, he sees the disappointment on my face and he says but don’t worry if it starts up again there are plenty of options available to me, so that’s it folks the cancer is stable I still have it that will never change. We stand to walk out when Yvette asks me if I had had my tattoo done ( I asked her when I was in skeg if I could have one and would it affect my treatment she gave me the ok but ged was not happy) well I couldn’t get it done in skeg so when Yvette asked me today Ged said no (with a smile on her face cus she hates them) I said yes to Yvette no you didn’t argued the enemy yes Yvette I’ve had it done just ain’t told her yet the enemy was not amused and she still ain’t seen it. So that’s it nothing else to add all rather boring this visit maybe in 4 weeks time something funny might happen
Keep smiling