Keep the faith everyone

2 minute read time.


well folks this will be it from me until the evening of the 21st i have chosen to leave the laptop at home and leave you all guessing. This is a holiday i never thought i would be taking. 12 months ago i was told that my life was over 3 months max and no treatment was availiable for me. I went home a broken man until it happens to you, you have no idea how you will react i sat alone the following and pondered my life and wondered what i had done to deserve all this bollocks, i was on crutches so in effect i was house bound no visitors couldn't drive couldn't walk and didn't want to talk to anyone i have to say i had overnight become a sad lonely person who was sinking fast, over the next few weeks my health was getting worse but i had daily visits from my mate drew we sat in my kitchen one day and he said to me Picko you only got 2 weeks left to live, he was right 10 weeks had passed and i was getting worse then the postie dropped an appointment for me to attend oncology and my life changed again from that appointment, i think i have the best team at the city hospital looking after me they have found the right chemo that has managed to control the cancer it can't beat it but i have a life back i can walk without a limp climb stairs drive my car and lead a near normal life i'm full of tablets some very nasty poison is put into my body every day, some days i feel bloody awful and others i feel good. I think what i'm trying to say is never give up put your faith in the clever people that wear the white coats they get paid a lot of money to keep people like me alive, never disagree with what they tell you they really do know whats best i owe them 9 months of life and i'm still going strong.
well this has been a boring blog but i'm just not in a comical mood tonight and nothing of any importance has happened to me i still have the painful bollocks my urgent scan is booked for the end of the month so until then i will continue to walk like john wayne.
Well thats it from me for a week i dare say Joanne will be updating you all from her phone. so for now good night and take care
