My strong Dad is now with the angles up above. xxx

Less than one minute read time.

My Dad was diagnosed with NSCLC with mets to his sacrum, pelvis, liver, adrenal gland and kidney on the 14th July 2011, he started radiotherapy on his sacrum on the 3rd August 2011 and had 5 fractions to help with bone and nerve pain.

He was due to start pallative Chemo on the 19th August, he was anemic so was booked in to have a blood transfusion on the 17th August, he was then addmitted into hospital due to being in alot of pain and confused.

He had a chest infection and was very poorley :(

He was fast tracked home on the 2nd September 2011 for end of life care.

He died at home with me and my mum holding his hand on the 14th September 2011 only 8 weeks after being diagnosed.

  • FormerMember

    Oh no I'm so sorry HUGS I can't imagine what you must be feeling :( xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Red81,

    My deepest Sympathy goes out to you you Mum and Family . May your Dad R.I.P.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Red,

    Your dad's story sounds terribly similar to my dad's. His was also 8 weeks from diagnosis to death and the mets were in the same places, apart from the liver. I'm so sorry you've found yourself here, it's a frighteningly fast decline sometimes and you're given no time to adapt to each new situation and disaster before the next one rolls around. In some ways it makes it easier when the end finally does come because all you want is not to see them in pain and declining any further. But it hurts so badly, there's no way around that. All the best to you and your family, I hope you can find strength in each other and the memories of your dad, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Red, My deepest sympathy for you, your mum and family.

    Gay13 xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Red, My deepest sympathy for you, your mum and family.

    Gay13 xx