Hope after Oesopagectomy

1 minute read time.

I wanted to share my recent experiences post Oesophagetomy. The obvious need to recover after this major operation was of course made very difficult because of my unsurprising problems with eating. My digestive system was like a war zone of conflict, with a loss of appetite and the limit of what I could eat combined with sometimes regurgitating food and sometimes dry retching.

I had the backup of the night feed pump but that I could use but sometimes that didn't agree with me. I did have the pyloric stretching procedure which stopped the sickness and enabled me to tolerate a wider food range. But I still was struggling with both the belching and discomfort in my abdomen and eating just wasn't a normal experience. I also lost a lot of weight including muscle loss.

The most distressing thing was that I often felt unwell; whether I ate or not. I would say that this period was probably the most challenging part of the whole cancer treatment. My life was just dominated by this struggle.

However there is hope. Recently and what was ten weeks after discharge I had a marked improvement and was able to eat much more normally and it was such a relief. I was now making progress. I feel that my disrupted digestive system had now “figured out” what was going on. I am now eating mainly normally and able to focus on other things.

During this time I made full use of the excellent specialist nurses support at Oxford hospital and didn't hold back on sharing my suffering. Sometimes I just had to accept that I was feeling rough and take the pressure off about trying to do the “right thing.” It was always made clear to me that things would improve – it just felt a long time coming.

So if any body reading this is having their own problems recovering after this operation. Don't loose hope – there can be a remarkable turn around awaiting for you.

  • So glad to read that you are feeling much better . My husband has just been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and reading through the book he was given was really getting to him . I will show him your post in the morning . Your post has given me light at the end of the tunnel we have suddenly  found our selves in x i am preparing for tough times ahead bug with hope of light at the end of it x thank you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mum247

    I am so glad you found my comments helpful. Best wishes for your husband's recovery. Do update on his progress if you so wish.

  • My oesophagectomy was mid July, 4 1/2 months ago. Re managing the modified plumbing, I am eating a normal diet, albeit in 6 smaller meals per day instead of pre-cancer 3. I have to sit quietly for 15-30mins after food to avoid feeling “yucky”. Exercise is 1-2mile walk 3-4 times a week. But I still have periods of real fatigue which occasionally send me to bed, and my weight remains stubbornly low, my BMI is 20. So it’s a long process, but we’ll get there!

  • Hi Ricster, if you are still tracking this blog, how are things now?