A Giving Tribute

1 minute read time.

When someone dies, the opportunity for new memories dies with them.  The memories that help us to remember our loved ones suddenly have to last our whole lifetime.  Fear may set in - what if they fade?  What if I start to forget the memories? What if, over time, they are lost?  What if they simply die when I die? 

Time is precious, we hear this regularly - you can't buy it, you can't save it, you can't rewind it.  It carries on regardless.  You are told that time heals and yet time can also bring more pain than a person thinks they can endure.    We endeavour to make the most of life you and you have to make the most of time, to value it, treasure it, but sometimes it is so hard when time is the enemy.

Losing a loved one creates a black hole in time.  TIme no longer contains "them".  It has to be endured without them and now it decides to move at a snail's pace.  When your loved one's smell no longer liners, when their voice becomes distant in your head and memories start to blur, will time have stolen all but the feelings in your heart?

Hold onto memories and share the memories of your loved ones with others.  Talk about them and celebrate their life sharing the memories that capture the essence of them.  Photographs through the years and anecdotes of what they meant to people are a comfort to those who are grieving and wherever you are in the journey of grief or remembrance please remember that each one of us have different memory footprints left in our hearts of the person who is no longer hear to share those with us, but sharing those with others can bring great comfort.
