
2 minute read time.

After a long stresful day at work witch have followed a week of bad days i have come to realise that i am still not coping, like every one else i have good and bad days. But it seems the last two weeks in paricual have been very bad. i cant really explain now i feel the only thing i can think is i feel like i am falling and there is nothing there to catch me. i am scared when i hit the ground what will happen. mums been particually ill the last few weeks and i have spend some more time with her witch in itself is a struggle and now i am on such a low i am struggling to get myself out. i keep thinking of her at home in the state she is in, knowing she is in pain and feeling so bloody bad that i cant make myself stronger. that i cant muster up the strength to go round and see her more. truth is i just cant cope with it. is it possible to come to terms with something this massive? knowing that mum doesnt have long left...that i will have to say goodbye. how do i do that? how do u come to terms with that? i keep thinking of all the memories i have all the things we did together, how much she means. i just feel like i am starting to spiral, listeing to mum say she doesnt wanna quit work (we all know she should she just isnt well enough) coz she doesnt wanna sit there thinking about whats gonna happen. its tearing me apart,it really is!! i just wish she could get better that i could do something, anything!! mum has always been there to tell me everything is ok to promise things would get better. she told me when she was diagnose she wished so much she could promise me things would be ok......but she couldnt. i dont know whats gonna happen other than the enavatble. i am so scared, i will put my hands up to that. i have never been so scared. about mum, how she will be come the end, the family my dad. that dad will grow old without her, she wont b there when i get married or when i have a child.....i just cant seem to come to terms with this. think i am just having a really shit low time right now. have seen councillers before but it didnt do much...feel a little lost. hopefully i find some peace tonight.hope every one else is well, gooseberry

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gooseberry,,

    Nobody can foretell what will happen when the end comes. To some its a relief that their Mum/Dad/ are no longer in pain. To others it like the end of the world. But you sound a very strong person and will handle it in your own way.  It wont be easy, and it happens to us all. But that is little comfort to those who have to face life without a Loved one. You will deal with it when it happens , and I hope that wont be for a very long time yet.  You look after yourself.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gooseberry.Can you get a holiday from work and get your Mum to have one so you can spend quality time together..hopefully.I know this is easy for me to say and just hope it wont be too hard for you to do.Many HUGS xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gooseberry

    Very good advice from Janique and Nic - definitely try to get some time off work, even if it means going and getting a sicknote from the GP for stress - because let's face it - you are under a great deal of stress at the moment.

    Sars is also right, you will deal with things as they come and will probably be stronger than you think you are or can be.

    We are all here for you whenever you need us.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx