Recently diagnosed

2 minute read time.

Hi all,

I am recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I was called for an early mamogram on 1st March 2012, I felt that this would be a breeze as I check myself regularly and have found nothing to be concerned about, they told me I would have the results in 2 weeks. Just 7 days later a letter arrived asking me to return for further tests, in just 5 days time. I checked myself and found a lump, how could I have missed that? I always check. Anyway went to the appointment, had another mamogram and an ultrasound, the Doctor said she would like to do a biopsy there and then. I would have the results in 7 days, when I came back to see the consultant.

20th March, went along to see the consultant, not feeling ill at all, so not worried, I had rehearsed my reaction:

It's not cancer, ok, so what it is then?

It is cancer, ok, what grade, what stage, where do we go from here?

That was a waste of time, when the consultant said, we have found a lump and it is cancerous, my whole world stopped, then someone was crying, who's crying? can't be me I've rehearsed this. But yes, it's me a complete and utter wreck.  Finally managed to control myself, stared intensly at the consultant (couldn't remember his name, but could pick him out in a line of a 1000 people) knew I had to keep listening, this was important, you need surgery, we've scheduled you for 11th April, because the cancer is small (8mm) we can remove it and do a sentinel node biopsy and then give you radiotherapy and Tamoxifen. Your BCN will now take you to another room and go through this with you. We went into a small room, (hated this room) had to listen to it all again, just wanted to get out of the small room. Just wanted to go home to let all this sink in.

11th April, surgery went ok, went home same day, able to move my arm easily, feel pretty good, got another appointment with consultant to get results on 19th April.

19th April, consultant happy with how well I'm healing, told him my arm felt sore inside, he said that's normal and will ease, feeling good again. Consultant then tells me, they've got all of the cancer out and some cells around which were begining to be infected, but the cancer is a grade 3 aggresive cancer, so they want me to have chemotherapy, radiotherapy and Herceptin, apparently the Tamoxifen won't touch my type of cancer, I am ER Negative and HER2 Positive which is why they want to give me Herceptin. Have another appointment with Oncologist to discuss my treatment on 24th April.

24th April, went to see Onocologist, he has explained that I will need AC Chemotherapy, 4 sessions, but I will lose my hair, have nausea and diarrhoea, and my immune system will be affected, so if I feel like I'm starting with a cold or flu symptoms I must call them immediately.

How on earth did I get here? less than 2 months ago, I was just getting on with my life, no major worries, a loving family,  great relationship, good job, looking forward to celebrating my 50th birthday, now I'm looking at wigs, scarfs, buckets, days at home that I don't want, what the hell happened?




  • FormerMember

    I hope all your treatment goes well,make sure you have a good supply of anti sickness pills. xx


  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear that Ann.I hope you have got support.Take care.HUGS xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Janique,

    Thanks for the hugs, I was just having a feel sorry for myself day yesterday, I know there are people who are much worse off than me, I'm just having so much trouble dealing with not feeling ill. What I just can't get is, that they've taken the cancer out, so technically I don't have cancer, but they need to make me ill with all this treatment, it all seems to be so upsidedown.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann

    /sorry, I've gone on a bit here -

    I too have just recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I feel great, so how come I have got cancer?I eat well, exercise, and look after myself, so what's this all about?  About 3 years ago I went for a normal mammogram - I did feel a lumpiness in my right breast.  The Consultant and his side kick junior doctor prodded and poked me then sent me for a mammogram.  The Consultant then reported back to me that really I just had 'dense, lumpy' breast tissue.  I took his word for it and went away. - done and dusted as they say!  My breast remained the same over that year.  I then took advantage of the Breast Bus and had a mammogram again.the following year. Nothing came up.  However, over the last 2 months I noticed my nipple was flattening out and the lump had got a little bigger.  Alarm bells started ringing.  The upshot is I went for another mammogram, this time the Consultant took a a needle biopsy, ultrasound and yes, it was breast cancer - invasive lobular breast cancer, which appears to be quite hard to diagnose and hard to find.  I think I have had this for 3 years now!  If I had had all the other procedures rather than just a mammogram at the start, this type of cancer would have been spotted and diagnosed much earlier. Tomorrow I am going for a bone scan to see if the cancer has spread and also a CT scan to see if it has spread to my other organs.  Flipping heck - not me!

    It really is overwhelming taking it all in isn't it.?  My head feels as if it is gong to burst as I cannot imagine what I will be going to be  going through with all the treatment and how I will cope.  My husband has been so supportive and his humour keeps me going when we talk about hair loss, losing my breast (which I will) -   I am soaking up everything on the website on the best type of reconstruction - it goes on and on.  I have even looked at a brilliant Wig Shop and have even picked what style I would go for.  As for losing eyebrows and eyelashes - I've even looked into that too - might as well follow up with false nails as well!

    We have told our son who is studying for his standard grades - he is great and my daughter is at university - she herself is having sleepless nights putting together some papers for a test she is doing and we have not told her yet - will wait till she gets back on 14th May.  

    I feel frightened, vulnerable, helpless, anxious and tired with all the worry.  My emotions are up and down constantly and crying has become a daily activity.  Wish I could wear dark glasses all time to hide my puffy eyes.  I seem to keep looking at people in the street, or elsewhere and wonder if they are wearing a wig, or suffering in the same way as I am with newly diagnosed cancer - can we spot them?- I know that's awful but I think it must be a normal reaction.  Psychologically this is really hard at the moment - the physical problems are still to come, or on the other hand maybe I might sail through all this and it won't be as bad as is made out.  

    Like you (I'm 54 this year), 2 months ago I was working part time, no worries of any kind, looking forward to my walking holiday to France and a few days in Barcelona over the summer.  Now, I won't be able to go on that holiday, probably recovering from either surgery or chemo, no hair, now on sick leave from my job for god knows how long, worrying about how I will cope, look, deal with things etc - a shadow of my former self.  

    On that happy note, we will just HAVE to get through this and take each day as it comes and enjoy the little things in life more so than we have ever done before.

    Take care Ann and I'll email you another 'chapter' on how my 'adventure' is going!!  Please keep in touch.

