Remission is for living.

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My name is Ray, I am 64 year old self employed craft worker. I make and sell my "Bloomin' Clever Boxes" at craft shows all over the country. In October 2007 I thought my way of life, if not my life was coming to an end - both of which I was enjoying enormously - because of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. You can read my story on the Lymphoma Forum - "Coming through Non Hodgkins Lymphoma". It is now 15 months since I was told my cancer was in remission, 15 months since I made a conscious decision to make the most of every day. I know the cancer will return 'someday' but there is every chance that that day will be many years away. In the mean time enjoy and make the most of life and seek out your AA Man. If you have a look at my new posting on the Lymphoma forum you will understand why I mention my AA Man. He was very important in helping me come to terms with my cancer and contemplating the condition we call remission. Ray2
  • FormerMember

    hi ray i agree my remission has given me a new sense of direction if you like i now want to do all the things i put off for a later date realised that date never comes or could be to late . my dad & my brothers had always said that they would vist thomas town in killkenny ireland ,it was the birthplace of my grandad dad had never been there the trip was always put off for one reason or another then was forgotten about untill november 2005 & dad was diagnosised with terminal lung cancer my brothers made urgent arrangements because they wanted to do this trip with dad & they set off on 8th dec with mum in tow they also went to see mums family in galway dad enjoyed the trip but was really to ill to do the things he could have done if they had gone earlier.but he cellabrated his 73rd birthday with family that he knew he would never see again that was lovely for him & my mum . dad passed away on the 8th jan 06 . in his memory we all took up a hobby or did something we had always wanted to do mine was painting which i enjoy so much not great at it but that doesn't matter will read your blog best wishes to you love theresa xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Ray 15 Months thats fantastic,ENJOY......

    I always enjoy reading your blogs ........they always lift me up,I get such inspiration from them,

    and as for my AA Man...well like I said in your other blog Ill share yours for the time being if ya dont mind lol.....on reflection Ray...reading your blogs is similar to meeting my AA Man...the inspiration and upliftment I get is amazing....

    Thx Ray..(My AA Man)

    Take Care

    Sue xxx