Operation confirmed today thyroid cancer

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Went to see consultant today, confirmed as hurtle cell stage 3, so I am off to have half my thyroid removed in 6 to 8 weeks, I was quite surprised that due to the diagnoses he did not suggest a full thyroidectomy, but I have to trust him, I have read so many blogs where people have had to have the other half of theirs done six weeks after especially with this type of cancer, has anyone had hurtle cell and got away with only one side, I saw a ENT surgeon, should I ask to see an oncologist after this thing is taken out, all a bit confused, my tumour is 5cm plus I have a 2.5 cm cyst as well which they say is benign, I felt completely trusting in him and he is top in his field, but all the people going through the same thing also seem to seem to have an oncologist, needless to say I didn't ask the right questions! Hope you all Ok
  • Carol, are you absolutely sure you've been told it's definitely cancer? If so, I really don't understand why they'd only take half of it.

    Is it possible that you've been told there were Hurthle cells in the FNA sample and that your FNA result was level 3 (on a 5 point scale)? I don't understand how they could have told you you have Stage 3 without having removed the lump and done CAT scans or why they'd only do a hemithyroidectomy if it was definitely cancer.

    Level three is a 'maybe, maybe not' rating. I had level 4 and they still only took half but if it's level 5 - i.e. definitely cancer - they should be taking the whole thyroid. My sister had a level 4, they took half of hers and she didn't have cancer whilst I did. FNA is not a brilliantly accurate test.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol.

    I think the explanation re T3 etc is clear on www.endocrinesurgeon web page.. my consultant told me to read anything on this site and it is very good.

    I had T3 after FNA... which means Hurthle Cells were seen but not confirmed as cancer   ... this can only be done with biopsy after op... the standard treatment for this is lobectomy and only full TT IF cancer is confirmed...

    Incidentally, my nodule size on ultrasound was 'huge' but on biopsy it was half the size .

    Hard as it is, I think you need to cross one bridge at a time... and I KNOW that is easier said than done!!

    hope this helps... and good luck.

    I think you can reassured also that the op will not be for 6 to 8 weeks..... let's hope so.


  • FormerMember
    Yes that is what I am going I do, one step at a time, I am all a bit confused as I was told it was hurtle cell with the FNI, and my doctor and the path lab said cancer, I really have been positive up till now, so maybe I will be a lucky oddity, that is nothing new for me!,
  • Hurthle cells don't always mean cancer. They can occur in benign lumps as well.  If they are saying hemithyroidectomy, then my guess is that either the docs still don't know (as happened in my case) or they're putting you through two operations instead of one.

    Please ask them if they are 100% sure it's cancer and if so, why are they only taking half. Wires have got crossed somewhere on this one.