Religion and Me - a few thoughts . . .

6 minute read time.

I was born into a Protestant C of E family, but my Mum was the only one who professed to a Christian belief, and churches were for Christenings, Weddings and Funerals . . .
I remember, at the age of 12, reducing my poor old Mum to tears, as I exclaimed a strong degree of disbelief, based on the genocides, hypocrisy and barbaric 'track records' of allegedly 'Christian' peoples, throughout the history of it. 
My juvenile mind just could not square away 'Thou shalt not kill' - just 1 of 10, but arguably the most important - with things like the slaughtering of Australian abbo's for recreation [Early settlers - allegedly Christian], or the Spanish Inquisition, or the Crusades, or England in the 16th and 17th Century - Papists v. Prot's.

Christians would argue that this is all of Man's making, exercising the very 'free will' that He had blessed them with. From the apple onwards, Man has had to pay the price for his own sins, while Big G looks on - "Y'all cain't lay none o' that stuff on me, Man, I is God Almighty, hisself !" 
How can anything that revels in Imperfection, be worthy of being a deity ? 
I know, I know - we WERE perfect, right up until the 'Forbidden Fruit / Serpent' episode. 
He's a slippery One, alright . . .

So, what else is on offer ? Most, if not all, of the monotheist religions e.g. Judaism, Islam, Christianity, seem to spawn power-hungry zealots, or radical fundamentalists, to some greater or lesser degree. Add to that the 'Do as I say, not as I do' mind set, and the historically established brutality to non-Christians/Jews/Muslims, and I'm inclined to be dissuaded, on account of their manifest lack of moral integrity.

I suppose, at this point, I should explain that I perceive a difference between the Doctrine of a religion on the one hand, and the manifestations of that Doctrine, as perceived by it's Priests, Rabbis and Imams, on the other. 
Without any knowledge of the Bible, how would you assess the behaviour, over the last 2,000 years, of it's followers ? It begs the question : How much bloodshed would have been avoided, if Christ/Muhammed never existed ?? 
We can never know, but I see it this way - Life, with or without the 'Abrahamic' religions, would've carried on regardless, with all the atrocities of Man; thieving, raping and murdering carrying on ["Keep calm, and carry on" springs to mind ...]. The enormous amount of blood, spilt in their names, would be over and above the 'norm', yea ?

What's left then, generally speaking ?

Rather than 'adopt' a religion, and face the possibilities of lifestyle changes - 'Moonies' anyone ? - I decided to "keep calm, and carry on" with my Life, whilst taking more than a passing interest in some of the options.

During the long journey, on a Quest that has introduced me to the basics of Hinduism, Sikhism, Paganism, Buddhism, and a variety of 'First Nation' belief systems - Moari, Aborigine, N. American/Canadian Indians, etc. - I have formed the conclusion that there is a difference between subscribing to a religion, and being a spiritual person. I would expect a religious person to be spiritual, but does a spiritual person have to subscribe to a religion ? No, is my conclusion.

OK, so how would I describe my own, personal 'belief system' ?

Avoiding the 'labels' for a moment, I have no deity to worship. What others may call 'God' or 'Allah', etc. I perceive as the 'Universal Parents' i.e. Mother Nature, and Father Time. Between them, they've made a pretty good job of things,  
it's a shame there's so little respect for either of them . . .
I also believe that this Life of ours, once created, is eternal. 

Here's two analogies, to help you understand what I mean [some of you may recognise them] :

The Butterfly. From birth, I enter my 'caterpillar' stage of my Life; growing up, meeting you lot, engaging with my environment and community, and so on. At the end of this stage - death - I take on my eternal form, a butterfly.
For those of you watching in black and white, it's an allegorical description - I don't for a moment see myself as an actual caterpillar - think of the shoe bill !

The Car and it's Driver. Most religions provide, amongst many other things, a way of dealing with death, e.g 'an Afterlife', a place in Valhalla, reunion with our departed loved ones, etc. in an effort, presumably, to dispel any fear of death. Rather, it should be something we accept openly, honestly and, most importantly, with good humour ! How in blazes have I managed that ? Read on ...

I see my Earthly body as a 'car', in which I am protected, I can travel, and I can engage with others in society - 'I' am the Driver. 
Sometimes I crash the bloody thing, driving it out of the showroom ... 
When ever the 'car' gives up, I just arrange for its disposal, and 'walk away' from it ...

Well, here I am, a 'butterfly' in Eternity ! This is where I am, omnipresent in both Time and Space - cool, or what ! 

It also accommodates another aspect of my belief system; not only will I be reunited with my Ancestors, but also in the company of some incredible Blues players ! 
I would also pay respect to so many - Boudicca, Ghandi, William Wallace - but I digress . . .

Moral compass ? Uppermost is my conscience, along with deference to that which is deemed socially acceptable by the community at large. 
I prefer 'justice' to 'law', and 'compromise' to 'confrontation'.
I'm no 'evangelist', eager to ram it down anyones throat - it's just part of who I am, it's mine.

Other aspects of my belief system. 

Yuletide is more meaningful to me, than Christmas. 
I admire and respect Nature.
I observe the Solstices and Equinoxes, mindful of what they used to represent. 
There is no-one greater, or lesser, than me.
Helping others brings it's own reward.
I respect Truth, but I'm aware that people are entitled to their own version.
From the Quakers - "If it harms no-one, do as you will" - a lot of depth and personal responsibility in that one . . .

The Bridge - another allegory. When this 'car' of mine finally packs up, there will be a period of transition - the 'chrysalis' phase, if you like - that is represented, in my Mind's eye, as a bridge stretching out into a swirling mist. 
At the unseen end of the bridge is Eternity [the land of the Dead]. 
I've told Gill I shall be stood, the 'Life' end of the bridge, waiting for her. 
We shall meet our Ancestors together, hand in hand.

Make of it what you will, but it's my belief system, and it gets me through my day ...

May your Path bring you good health and true happiness, and may your Ancestors greet you with a smile !

" Namaste " __/\__ 
