I'll be waiting, at the Bridge.

1 minute read time.

Ever wondered what happens to us when we die ? Oo-ooh, heavy !! I see it as a time of transition and perhaps I can explain it best in the following few lines. Bear with me if you can . . .

From the moment of our birth we live within our Earthly bodies - the flesh and bones that house us and enable us to communicate with others, as well as being a means of getting out and about. If we are lucky enough - and that's debatable ! - we live to a ripe old age. Unfortunately this body turns, by degrees, from a liberator to a jailer. We're no longer able to enjoy the things of our Youth, at least not in quite the same way. Some people grow to resent this . . .

Housed in this body, we set about following the various 'paths' that stretch out before us. we are following the Road of Life, along which we find fascinating people, interesting places, the ocassional 'blind alley', laughter, tears, happiness and grief. Often we feel that there's too much of one and never enough of another, but we carry on with our journey along this meandering road.

At the end of the 'road', at least in my Mind's eye, there is a coastline with a huge bridge disappearing into the mists beyond. At the other end, unseen to us (but part of our consciousness), is the Land of the Dead. Freed of our worn out, frail bodies, we take on our true guise as omnipresent spirits. We are now able to be everywhere and everywhen .

We can meet up with long dead family and friends, enjoy the company of forbears we never knew, and keep a caring eye on those we left behind.

Gill and I have spent quite a few times discussing 'how it will be' and I have told her that if I go first, she's not to worry - I'll wait for her at the Bridge that joins this Land of Life to the Land of the Dead and, hand in hand, we will cross it together . . . See you later !! 


Ian Hay, July, 2005.

  • FormerMember

    Wow Ian, yes heavy indeed but very comforting.

    Linda x

  • FormerMember


    You have a wonderful Imagination.

    Regards Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts - not sure what mine are, but somehow I know we do meet again.....


  • FormerMember

    Everyone needs something to help prepare for death, imho. I have no gods to pray to, my belief is based on the fact that you can't create or destroy energy, it just changes its state.

    Whether or not I'm right, is immaterial - if I believe it to be true, then it has served a valuable purpose !

    If the Truth of the matter is a timeless, dreamless sleep - how am I to know ! Win-win !!

    I hope that everyone will eventually feel comfortable with their impending death. It is, after all, very much a part of Life.

    Thank you guys, for your kind comments.

