Hours to go . . . Op Tonsil, tomorrow !

Less than one minute read time.

I wrote this in October, 2007, the day before my surgery.


This is turning into a bit of an emotional roller-coaster !

Over the years I, like many others, have experienced both euphoria and black despair.
The chest-swelling pride of fatherhood; a feeling that I still can't adequately describe.
The loss, at 22, of my god-daughter Jo. Trying to reconcile that with the existance of a deity left me bereft of feelings for weeks.

I suppose, in an effort to protect myself, I have consciously sacrificed the lofty peaks of euphoria. This, in turn, has enabled me to avoid the bleak, emotionally barren troughs of hopeless depression.

It's a fair trade which leaves me with a manageable 'ripple' that runs pleasantly through my Life. I miss the 'Highs' occasionally, but not enough to put up with the 'Lows' !  That's all about to change . . .

It seems that I must now dust off the rusty armour, put a keen edge on my dull blade and summon the support of my distant ancestors in order to face down the coming day.

"Nemo me impune lacessit"
