Friendship [This one still makes me 'fill up']

4 minute read time.

People come and people go and, in the course of my Life, I have met hundreds of people. It has been a pleasure, for the most part, getting to know someone, discovering common interests, creating memories with them, spending time with them. A few - a precious few - have stayed the course and have become very much a part of me, having helped to shape me into that which I am to-day. To these few I owe a debt of gratitude that is impossible for me to pay. All I can do is tell them that I love them dearly . . .

I have just spent the last few hours with a very dear friend of mine, GillyB. We first met when she came to a WIMA [Womens International Motorcycle Association] meeting, held by my wife Gill, who was County Rep' at the time. GillyB - there were 4 'Gills' at one stage ! - worked for a local BMW motorcycle dealership and her 'significant other' was their Chief Technician, Henry [ we eventually re-christened him 'Aitch'] and they were 'dyed in the wool' lifestyle bikers.
GillyB quickly became a lynchpin within the local WIMA group and, when my Gill decided to establish her own MCC, she was there as a Founder, offering her support relentlessly.

In 1998, 2 years after we had first met, GillyB went through the rigours of breast cancer. With a stoicism that would shame most 'hard' men, she fought her battle and finally won, though she herself - only to-day - denied that it was a 'battle'.
"I just needed to get through each day as it presented itself, and carry out the bidding of the medical team. It was never a 'battle' !"

The strain on Aitch was obvious; his hair went from a mousey brown to white in a matter of a few months and, never the fattest of men, he lost quite a bit of weight, too. Eventually, to everyones immense relief, GillyB was given the All Clear, at which point Gill and I were admitted to their Inner Circle.
"Aitch and I are planning to get married next year and we wanted you two to know. Please keep it to yourselves for now."

The four of us were entering into a very special relationship, which we all anticipated with an almost child-like relish ! Ride-outs, Bikers Rallies, holidays together, intimate dinners during the Winter months, while we plotted and schemed the next years itinerary.
I consider myself blessed to have met and eventually married my Soul Mate, Gill. The prospect of sharing our lives with Aitch and GillyB was beyond any wish I may have considered, and yet here it was, unfolding before me - Nirvana !

Four weeks before they were due to be married, Aitch died of 'atypical pneumonia'. A dark cloud formed in my heart and it was months before it lifted.

Aitch was from South Africa and his family could only raise enough for his Mother to come over. We - Gill's bike club - hired a video photographer to cover the funeral. At least his family back in S.A would be able to see the send-off we managed for him.
On the day, there were over 60 bikes formed up outside their home, including no less than 3 Police Outriders - Aitch used to service their bikes - and we rode the 12 miles to the Crematorium with pride and dignity. Aitch would've been bemused by it all, modest man that he was.

GillyB was my Gill's Matron of Honour at our own wedding, the following year, and we have kept in touch ever since.

She met and subsequently married a guy called Graham and, whilst he is pleasant enough, he is no 'Aitch' and that is our problem, not his . . .

Late last year GillyB called us. She was calling from her local hospital to let us know that the cancer was back - Spine, Liver and Lungs. This was around the same time that I was diagnosed with cancer of the Tonsil. Whilst I was to learn that my problems were an easy fix - it's all relative - hers were not.
This wonderful woman - I've never heard a raised voice or a disparaging remark from her - this remarkable person, this dearest of friends is now dying, and I would happily give 5 years of my own Life to see her well again.
To-day, at my request, she picked me up to take her over to the house she and Aitch shared. It has now been sold and there were a few bits to be removed before GillyB handed the keys over. Everything was fine until it was time to leave, when she finally gave in and sobbed her heart out.
Everyone I know that has met her, loves her unconditionally, and I'm aching right now. I know I will see her again and the four of us will get to do some of the things we'd hoped to do, but until then there will be a huge void, and I shall miss her.

She has promised me she will pass on my greetings and love to Aitch.
At least they will finally get to know the joys that Gill and I share . . 
