Thank you, BBC

Less than one minute read time.
Just something I need to get off my chest. My 13-year-old daughter today asked me what stage my cancer is ; I told her 3 and asked her how she knew about cancer staging. She said she'd seen it on BBC Casualty and blithely informed me that stage 1 is where they have caught it early and stage 4 is where they can't do anything about it, before going on to say: "Stage 3 is not very good, is it mum? I wish they had caught it earlier." So do I, my darling, so do I.
  • FormerMember
    Teenagers, they just come out with it don't they. My own 13 year old daughter at a party recently, asked me in front of her friends 'what type of cancer did you have mum,' An innocent enough question, but I have anal cancer, which we have never told her 'exactually' where it was (for obvious reasons!) so the question put me on the spot. Thankfully a friend, another one of the mums, overheard, and intervened to this eager group of 13 year olds waiting for an answer, and replied 'well it's too complicated to explain' and they all seemed happy with that, and all went off nodding in agreement with each other! Phew!! Note to self: must have better answer lined up for next time. When all said and done I think our children handle this better than we do. Sending you love and strength hun xxx
  • FormerMember
    Oh Miss Sparkle! That made me laugh. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall if you'd had the balls to tell them cancer of the arse. Which of course you never could because it would be just too cruel....
  • FormerMember
    ;-))) No......I couldn't take the endless questions about it!!